Chapter 13

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Peter's POV

"That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Now you're burned and we're stuck here," I said to Aidan as he laid there. His shirt had been burned to practically nothing so I had helped him take off the remains. His whole chest was burned pretty bad. The boy and the girl had gone to a gas station down the road to get a first aid kit or something like that. They knew Reagan though. That's what they had said. Now, I was here with Aidan who wasn't looking so good. His face was pale and he kept falling asleep but I had to keep him up.

"Hey Peter," Aidan said. I turned to him.


"Do you hate me?" I didn't say anything for a minute because I didn't know. Maybe once I had hated him but we had been through a lot together. We both lost Reagan.

"Not anymore," I said. He nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"I shouldn't have tried to get those things out of my car. If I hadn't, we could have been on the road by now." He looked away and I felt bad. He fingers were curled around a photo and a piece of paper. What was so important that he would risk his life, and Reagan's, to get.

"Could I see those?" I asked. His grip tightened for a second but he held then out to me. I took them and looked at the photo first.

"Who is this?" I asked. I recognized young Aidan but I hadn't ever seen the older man and the little girl.

"That's my dad and my younger sister Amanda."

"Where do they live?"

"They died. My dad was in the army."

"What happened to Amanda?" Aidan turned to me and I saw tears in his eyes.

"I killed her. I didn't mean to. We were walking down railroad tracks when a train came down. I had thought we had more time. We were on a bridge with nothing but water under us. I hadn't learned about my powers then. I told her to jump. Trust me, is what I said. She jumped off but I didn't have time. I held out my hands and the train got ripped apart and turned into a massive box. It fell in the water and I couldn't stop it. Amanda died because of me." Tears were falling from his eyes and I felt like crying myself. When my mom died I always thought I had it worse than anyone else. I couldn't imagine watching my sister drown and not being able to do anything about it. To know that I caused.

"We're back!" Kate called out. She was being followed by Munster-Sama, who was holding a first aid kit. I took it from him and ripped it open. There were bandages, creams, and a little thing of matches. What did they expect me to do, burn off the burn?

"Alright Aidan," I said. His eyes weren't red and it didn't even look like he had been crying.

"Let me help," Kate said. She took everything from me and I leaned back on my heels.

"Is she any good at this stuff?" I asked Munster-Sama.

"Yeah. The scientists at that lab said that she could heal her way out of a paper bag." Aidan was talking to Kate as she bandaged him up. After they finished, we all began walking down the road. Aidan was leaning in me. We were listening to Kate and Munster-Sama talk about Reagan. They met her at the school and she helped them escape. Apparently, she hadn't made it out.

"Damn it Reagan," Aidan said and I agreed with him. She had sacrificed herself to save others. It was so like her.

"Here," Aidan said, holding out a slip of paper. They looked at it, then turned and walked away.

"Bye," Aidan said.

"What was that?" I asked, frowning.

"It was the address back to the school. We need to finish this on our own." I nodded. He was right. We couldn't be worrying about those two while trying to save Reagan.

About twenty minutes later, we had stolen a car and were back on the road. Aidan was passed out in the passengers seat and I was flying down the road. When we got to the school, I pulled into the empty parking lot. I shook Aidan awake, who looked around sleepy.

"How did you know where it was?" He asked.

"Reagan," I said and he nodded. We got out and I noticed that Aidan was holding on to his side.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded and we walked towards the door. I yanked it open and we were in a large empty room. It was dark with no lights on. As we walked forward, I thought, alright Reagan, we're finally here.


Hey everyone! I know this chapter was so crappy but I've been trying to finish the party parts in my other book. So, I know it was short but I got something done right? Thank you for sticking with me and understanding. I lead a really busy life and even though writing is my first priority it can't be the only thing I do. In the next part, they are going to find Reagan but what will happen? I'm so evil. You all just got Loki'd. Jk, jk. But really, be ready for the next part. Coming soon! Vote and comment!

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