Chapter 9

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Aidan's POV

I threw some of my clothes in a bag. I had no idea how long Peter and I were going to be gone, so I might as well prepare. I looked over to my bed. Above it, there was a picture of Reagan, Peter, and myself. Reagan looked a beautiful as always. Peter looked like he wanted to run off. I bit my lip. What if Reagan was..... no, I couldn't think like that. Reagan was alive. She needed me. My thoughts traveled to Peter. Peter, Peter, Peter. Oh, all the things I wanted to say to him but couldn't. He loved Reagan, that much was obvious. I didn't think he loved her as much as I did but I wasn't stupid. He did love her. I wished Reagan would pick me. I loved her more. Didn't I?

"Aidan! Hurry the heck up!" Peter was at my dorm door. Rolling my eyes, I reached over, grabbed the picture off the wall, and stuffed it in my bag.

"Aidan! What is taking so long!? Every minute brings her closer to-." I ripped the door open and put my hand over his mouth. 

"Don't say that," I said. I walked by him and he glared at me. He followed me down the hall and out the door.

"So, how do you plan on getting out of here?" Peter asked me. I ignored him until we got to the garage where all the cars were. 

"Students aren't allowed to borrow any of the cars without permission," Peter said. 

"I'm not borrowing anyone's car. I'm taking my own."

"I thought students weren't allowed to have cars on campus." Peter raised his eyebrows at me. I walked over to my Mercedes Benz. 

"Does it look like I follow the rules?" I asked him.

"Actually, yes."

"Shut up, speed demon." It was silent for a while as we sped down the road. After about twenty minutes, I realized I didn't know where I was actually going. I didn't look at Peter though, sure he was going to make some sarcastic comment. 

"Where are we going?" Peter asked. I swore mentally inside my head but then, a thought came to mind. Reagan had come from a lab. Libraries have computers. 

"We are going to a library," I announced.

"Why?" Peter frowned and I grinned my award winning smile.

"We are going to find Reagan using the 21st century's latest technology! A computer! Now, Pietro, try and stay calm because this might be overwelming for you....-" I worried for a second that I had taken it too far but he smirked.

"Real funny, jock. Now, drive on to the library."

When we got there, it was way too early to be open. No matter. I just made the door into a book and Peter was in and out before I could even walk in the doorway. He ran to the car and jumped in. 

"What's taking so long?" He yelled up to me.

"Show off," I muttered.

"So, according to the site, TMH stands for The Mutant Hyprids. I guess that makes a bit of sense. Anyway, the lab is located in Mexico City."

"Mexico City?" I almost threw up. "That's a four day drive."

"Calm yourself. I could just run there, get Reagan, and run back," Peter offered. 

"Definatly not," I said. 

"So be prepared for a long ride." Peter sat back and put his headphones in. Great. This was going to be so.... much..... fun. 

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