A bit of the past and the future

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Tw:Blo0d, sc@rs, swear!ng


That night, Etho barely got any sleep. He was to busy thinking.
"Should I tell Iskall why I was in the mine or was will they think that it was a stupid reason", he thought.
He looked over to Iskall, the two of them shared a bed so Iskall was right there. He stared in to their glowing eye. He thought it was cool that they both only had one normal eye. Etho remembered how he scarred his eye.
It was about nine years ago and he was working on some redstone. He turned his head thinking there was a zombie behind him. But it was just his dog. He was turning his head back some of the redstone flared up at him, hitting his left eye. He ran to the nearest water source. He lifted his head up after dunking his head in the water. The pain hurt a lot less. He walked to his bathroom to wrap up his face. The burn was a long streak going across his face. Luckily the pain stopped after three days. But the burn stayed, unfortunately.

With Iskall

Iskall has had a small crush on Etho for about a year. They considered him one of his best friends now that they were roommates. He hadn't been so scared about losing someone for many months. They opened their eyes, luckily for Etho they had turned to the other side ten minutes before. They sat up looked at Etho who was pretending to be asleep. They got out of bed, making sure to not disturb Etho. After putting on some slippers ( a gift from Ren ), he walked out of the room and jumped in to a hole full of water. They decided to go for a moonlit walk because they could not sleep.
As they were on their walk which Etho was watching from the balcony. They started to head back to the house after hearing something come from the balcony,

With Etho

After Iskall left the room Etho got out of bed. He pulled down his mask and took a deep breath. It was hard for wear a mask basically all day. He walked to the balcony to see what Iskall was doing. Which was just walking around and looking at stuff. As he was watching them do their own thing, leaned on one of his leg a bit too much and fell over.
"Oh fuck",Etho said as he saw Iskall walked back to the house. He quickly walked to the bed and got in. About five minutes later he heard Iskall riptide up on to the balcony and walk into the room. After they took off their jacket, which they had got in to the bed with when they first got in to bed with, and his slippers they got in the bed.
"Good night Etho", Iskall said before going to sleep. Etho could feel his face turn red, which reminded him that his mask was pulled down.

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