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As I began to gain consciousness I immediately noticed my hands were bound behind the chair I sat in. My head throbbed and my mouth was gagged. The room was dark and I had no memory after seeing Michelle and Hope leave. Where the hell am I? Above me I heard footsteps moving. They were light so maybe a female walking upstairs. A door creaked then a light came on illuminating the basement before me. Riley descended the stairs.

"Oh, you're awake." She smiled.

I tried to talk around the scarf tied tightly around my mouth.

"Oh, it isn't your turn to speak yet. Don't worry you'll get to say your final words."

When she stepped off the last step I noticed the container of gasoline in her hand. I felt my eyes widen. What the hell is this woman up to? I tried again to talk around the gag in my mouth. She tipped my chin.

"Shh, baby. We'll finally be together. Forever. At first, I was mad. How can you love another after what we shared? I gave you life and you threw it all away."

I managed to free my mouth from the scarf. "Are you talking about our baby?" I asked.

Her eyes glossed over.

"Riley, you knew you couldn't carry to term for your own health. I didn't leave you because I didn't love you I left because I couldn't handle any more death."

"But you left me in my time of need. I had no one to lean on. You said you love me but you ran when I needed you the most."

"Okay. I did do that and I apologize, but why am I tied up? We can talk about this. Untie me." I yanked against the knots around my wrists.



"Because I have nothing! You gave me everything and then took it all away. You made me feel special and then you made me feel like I was nothing. You just threw me away! Replaced me so easily. So if I can't have you no one will."

"Wait Riley, please."

"Do you love her?"



"I...yes, I do."

"It always happens so quick with you, doesn't it? Love 'em and leave 'em. How long until you discard her? Don't you see that your actions have consequences? You hurt people, Darryl."

"Riley, I'm sorry I hurt you. Please untie me so we can talk."

"I'm tired of talking."

"Riley, please," I begged as she began to let the liquid spill from its container. "Think of Hope! Please don't leave my daughter alone in this world."

"She won't be."


I sat in my car outside my house with my hands shaking reading the letter again. This cannot be happening. Maybe I misread the letter. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe she doesn't mean what she's implying. It doesn't matter, whatever she means I can't let her go through with it. I scroll down my contacts hoping to find someone who would be able to help me.

"What's up Michelle?"

"Terry please tell me you know where Riley lives." Terry and I have become friends outside of work so I know he wouldn't think it strange if I called him after work hours.

"I do. What's going on you sound alarmed."

"Riley left me this chilling note. I may be overreacting but I think she's going to kill Darryl."

"What?! What did the note say?"

"Does it matter?! Do you have her address or not?"

He rushed the address to me over the phone then said, " I'll meet you there."

I made it there in fifteen minutes speeding the whole way through. Terry was there waiting for me. He came to open my door for me.

" Her car is here but I've been watching the house for a few minutes and haven't seen much movement. Maybe no one's here."

"I don't care I'm still going straight to the door. I don't care if I have to kick it in I'm getting in there."

"Okay, I'm coming with you," Terry said walking beside me up the pathway. "Wait," He grabbed my arm. "Do you smell that?"

"Smell wh-"

An explosion sounded throwing our bodies back. I landed on the grass my back hitting the earth with a thud. For a moment I couldn't catch my breath. With my ears ringing I rolled over on my stomach with a groan. I couldn't lift my face from the grass for a second but when I did I saw the burning house in front of me. All the pain left my body.

"No. No! Please..." I stumbled to my feet. "Darryl!" I sobbed. An arm went around my waist keeping me in place.

"You can't go in there. It's too dangerous." Terry said.

"No! Let me go!" I struggled against his hold. "Let me go!" I sobbed. "He has to be alive. Please..." My body went limp in Terry's arms. "No..."

Terry lift my body carrying me back to the car. I heard sirens approaching. My eyes never left that burning house and I felt my heartbreak as my mind wrapped itself around the events. There's no way he could have survived that explosion but a stubborn piece of my heart held on to the hope he did. Somehow, some way. Because what cruel world would take away the man I love before I told him I loved him?

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