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It's been an easy but busy week. Not having to deal with school or shifts at the bar anymore made my life so much easier and it's given me so much free time to focus on work. Speaking of work everyone kept talking about how dope Darryl's parties are and how they always have free food and drinks. That part perked me up so I decided to get dolled up and make an appearance because who turns down free food and drinks. Not I.

I walked into a beautiful venue. The entire back wall was windows looking out into a massive backyard. Tables lined the grass holding candles in the center to give off more lights. An extra bar was set up outside next to the food tables. The DJ booth is set up right next to the glass doors leading to the backyard with speakers facing in and out. The lights were dimmed giving off a club feel.

The sun was just setting and the place was filling up and I just notice that I don't know anyone here. I'd asked Kay to come with me but she bailed because it's date night for her and her hubby. I wandered to the bar inside to get a drink. I don't think I'll be staying here long but I will stay long enough to enjoy these free drinks and free food. And say hello to the birthday boy.

"Is this thing on," Someone tapped the mic and I looked over at the stage. Why must this man make everything look good? His dreads were loose around his face, I'm beginning to like that way instead of his usual bun. It'll be easier to grip in bed. Wait, no. Abort thought! Abort. He's dressed in all black, his black jeans cuffed. His wrist held a bracelet, a silver chain around his neck, his left earlobe held two diamond studs. This was the first time I'd seen him in jewelry and he looks delicious. I groaned draining the contents of the alcohol in my cup.

"I wanna thank everyone for coming to celebrate my birthday. Don't get too drunk cause ya still have to get outta here and don't count on me to drive you because I'm planning to be out my top." The crowd laughed. "So everyone have a good time, drinks are on me all night and don't make any babies at my party. If you do you have to name them after me."

Funny man. He put the mic down and spotted me over at the bar. He made his way over to me as the DJ started the music.

"Hey. Why you sitting here looking all pretty by yourself?"

"I was actually about to leave," I sat my drink down on the bar.

"Aww, so soon?"

"I just wanted to give you this," I handed him his gift.

He took it and looked inside.

"I didn't know what to get, but I heard that you loved music and I thought that would be good."

"I love old-school hip hop. When music was music. Thank you."

I got him a collection of songs made from the late 80s and 90s.

I turned to leave and he grabbed my arm.

"Can you stay? It's my birthday you can't refuse the birthday boy, right? Please?"

I looked at the door then back at him.

"Please," he said again.


He smiled so big and did this little dorky dance.

"Wow," I laughed

"Come dance with me." I let him pull me out to the dance floor. We were one of the first people dancing to the songs the DJ provided.

Do you believe in love at first sight? That tingling sensation you get when you first lock eyes with each other. That familiar yearning. That magnetic force? Yeah, no me either, but I could not deny the wholesome feeling I got when he wrapped his arms around me. His body grinding against my own on the dance floor. The way our bodies became one as we danced. The bodies surrounding us faded until I was only aware of him. Only us on the dance floor.

His forehead touched mine as his hands went to my hips, his thumbs drawing circles on my exposed skin. We locked eyes, the intensity of his look seeped into my soul. Having that drink on an empty stomach was a bad idea as I was starting to feel tipsy, but I didn't mind because the way I'm feeling alive in his arms right now is what we all search for.


The curve of her body against mine had me thinking of things I forbade myself to think of. When she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling my face to hers I didn't object. Our lips met and I came undone. I stood there in the middle of a room of my employees and her coworkers with my hands in her curly hair and my tongue working her mouth like I wanted to work her body. I wanted to bring her pleasure with every stroke, I wanted to give her the world.

Someone cleared their throat behind me before tapping me on my shoulder. I jumped stepping away from Michelle bumping into the person behind me.

"Can we talk?" Riley asked.

I wiped under my lip. "Um..." I looked over at Michelle. Her face was flushed, I didn't know if it was from the kiss we shared or the embarrassment. "Can we not do this right now?" I said to Riley.

"Why? So you can kiss another coworker and dump them? Be careful girl, it's all a game. He tells you he cares then he treats you like you're crazy."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked Riley.

"What telling the truth?!"

"Um, I'm going to go," Michelle said walking off.

"Michelle, wait," I turned to go after her but Riley grabbed my arm.

"We're not done."

"But we are," I yanked my arm from her grip.

I caught Michelle right outside the back doors. "Michelle wait, don't go."

"I can't go back in there. I am so embarrassed. I can't believe I kissed you in front of everyone. Now I'm going to be labeled as the girl fucking the boss."

"Why do you care what anyone thinks?"

"And then Riley. You said nothing is going on between you two."

"There isn't."

"Sure looks like something is going on."

"I promise you there isn't."

She looked off into the distance for a moment then sighed taking a step towards me. "I'm so tired of fighting my attraction for you."

I stepped forward taking her face in my hands. "Then don't."

Our lips met in the sweetest way. A slow burn ran through my body and I sighed onto her lips. Her arms went around my neck, her lips parting. The burn intensified. I wanted to kiss her this way for the rest of our lives. My heart thudded inside my chest as that thought sunk in. I love this woman. I never thought I would love again and especially so soon after Aya's death and saying those words to myself felt like a betrayal to her, but I know she would want me to be happy. I broke away from the kiss taking her hand.

"Come home with me?" 

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