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3 weeks later

I stood in the doorway watching while Hope and my mom play around with the tea set I just brought her. My mom who doesn't do well to strangers quickly welcomed Hope with open arms. Hope could not have handled her new way of life better, she never complained but I know she misses her dad. Sometimes when she can't sleep she crawls into my bed. The first week we'd stayed at Darryl's just so Hope could feel more at home. Some form of normalcy. She'd spend nights with Erika when I had to stay with my mom but with her busy schedule, we thought it'll be best if Hope stayed with me. She's been staying here with us for a full two weeks. She and my mom became the best of friends.

"Hope, go put your shoes on, sweetie. We have to go."

"Okay." She said getting off the floor of the living room. "Should we bring daddy his favorite snack? I'll be real sneaky bringing it in."

I chuckled. "Yeah, he'll like that."

Darryl walked away from the fire with third-degree burns along the left side of his body. He still has a lot of recovery to do and many surgeries to undergo, but his future is looking bright. Riley wasn't so lucky, she didn't make it out alive.

"I'm ready."

I looked down at Hope and laughed. She had the bag of twisted honey barbecue Fritos sticking out from under her shirt and her pockets bulged with bags of gummy bears. "What is this?"

"I told you I'm going to sneak them in. I did a good job, right?"

Her face was so hopeful I couldn't help but laugh. "How about we just put them in my bag?"

She pouted. "No fun."

She handed me the bag of chips from her shirt.


"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Will daddy be okay? His face..."

Darryl's left cheek suffered a third-degree burn, his face will probably never look the same again. Watching Hope see her dad that way for the first time was heartbreaking - the way she cried. She couldn't understand what happened to him, she was terrified he'd die. Those first few nights she didn't sleep at all. I kneeled in front of her taking both her hands in mine.

"Your daddy... his face won't be the same as before. He's going to have a scar even after the surgeries but it won't be like it is now. It's going to heal, okay? And he will get better."

She wrapped her arms around me burying her face in my neck. I stood wrapping my arms around her body holding her tight. This little girl has wormed her way into my heart. I never thought of having kids or being a mother but having her in my life is a blessing.

"I love you, Michelle."

"I love you too, sweetie. Let's go see your daddy."


When we got to Darryl's hospital room he was up watching tv. When he saw us his face lit up.


"Careful, Hope. Don't jump on the bed."

"She's fine," Darryl said. "I'm not in too much pain." He lift his right hand that wasn't covered in bandages to smooth her hair back. "How are my girls?"

"Good. We brought you snacks." Hope said running to take the bag from me. She took out the snacks spreading them on the bed next to his body.

"You did? Oh, my favorite. How'd you know?"

"Because you're my best friend."

"Am I now? What happened to Chloe?"

"I can have more than one best friend, daddy."

"Well, you're my best friend too. Wanna find us something good to watch?"

She hopped off the bed moving to the left side of his bed to the tv remote.

He looked over at me. "Why are you way over there?" he asked me. "Come here."

"How are you feeling?" I asked moving to his bedside. I pulled the chair to the bedside sitting down.

"I've had worse."

"Don't try to act tough for me."

"Really, the worst has passed. They're beginning to heal." He placed his right hand in mine. I squeezed it. "I still have nightmares about the fire."

"It still makes me so mad that she did this to you."

"She was hurting."

"How can you be so forgiving? She almost took you from your daughter, from me."

His right hand held my face. "But she didn't. I'm here and that's all that matters."

"Thank god you're still here." I took his hand from my face bringing it to my lips.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" I asked.

"When you said you loved me or did you just say that because you thought I was going to die?"

I gave him a little smile. "I meant it with all my heart. At the first sight of you, you had my heart but I didn't want to admit it so I chalked it up to lust."

"Are saying you loved me at first sight? Seems like I'm not the one who falls fast."

I chuckled. "Shut up. Darryl?"


"Is it okay if I kissed you?"

"Always. You better never stop kissing me."

I leaned over gently pressing my lips to his.

"Ew. Gross."

I laughed pulling away as Hope wiggled her way onto my lap. "Only kiss when you get married."

"And when is that?" Darryl asked.

She giggled. "Now! You may now kiss the bride."

We laughed both leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Not me!" she giggled as I tickled her.

There's no fighting it now this man and his daughter have stolen my heart and I don't want it back. I don't ever want it back.

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