Chapter Sixteen - Daniel

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It hurt worse in the morning.

Was it possible to be heartbroken after knowing someone for the best part of week? I fell too hard for a woman who I didn't even know. I'm a twenty-seven year old man that loses his heart like a hopeful fourteen year old. I'd kissed her a few times and I wanted her more than anything...but all I could do was replay last night in my head: fast forward the good bits, and pause on when I walked in on her and Matty kissing. Then fast forward a little bit more to when she said she wasn't staying at the hotel with me or even by herself.

She was staying with Matty for the night. We all know what that means.

I turned over in my double hotel bed to the empty side. Unslept in, where I'd hoped she'd be this morning if things had of gone my way. Nothing ever goes my way. I outstretched my arm and placed my hand onto the cold mattress, wishing it was her hip that I could have swung my hand onto.

There was one thing Tyde was right about though. We had never talked about being in a relationship. I said it in the heat of the moment, hoping that she'd go along with it.

She had been kissing Matty before I'd said that. God sake, Dan, did you really think she'd go along with what you'd said after she'd kissed Matt?

I sighed and got up. I threw on a baggy t-shirt with my loose, tracksuit bottoms and walked into the bathroom. I had just finished brushing my teeth when I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was Kyle, wanting to talk about what happened last night (which I really wasn't in the mood to do), so I ignored it. However, the knocking continued and progressed into basic door punching. I ran to open it.

Tyde was crying.

Immediately, I grabbed her from out of the hallway and into the room. I slammed the door shut and wrapped my arms around her, holding her as tightly as I could as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"I am so sorry,"

I pushed her away from me lightly so that she was stood facing me. I had my hands planted firmly on her shoulders.

"I shouldn't have said you were my girlfriend and kicked off about everything. I'm sorry too," I admitted.

"Don't apologise! I was the one behaving like a whore. I didn't have sex with him, I just slept in the same bed as him,"

"So nothing happened?"

"I promise, Dan. We kissed once more and then I shared his bed but there was nothing in it. I regret it. Do you know why it happened? I was on a tour with two guys a while back, and the three of us went to the same club we went last night. Both of the lads pulled girls and left me intoxicated by myself in there. Matty helped me home that night, but I never remembered his name. Then I met him again last night, so that kinda happened,"

"I see,"

"I regret it,"

I stared at Tyde.

"Get here," I whispered, pulling her closer to me. I kissed the top of her forehead lightly, and hugged her again.

"Will you give me a second chance?" She mumbled.

I pushed Tyde up against the door and kissed her.

"Is that a yes?" She giggled into my ear as she pulled away.

"A maybe," I smirked.

Was a second chance going to happen here? Or was I done with Tyde before I'd even been able to start?

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