Chapter 3: Cub

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Something's weird.

Well, obviously. I've just been trapped in several consecutive death games in a row, and before that, I was on the Hermitcraft server. Everything is weird. 

But something is weird about ME.

I don't instantly figure out what it, getting to my feet and taking in the new world I've ended up in. I can't instantly see anyone near me, and I don't know whether that's good or not. So I decide to look around, walking. I'm in a forest. That's all I know immediately. That I'm in a forest, and that I'm alone. 

Or, I WAS alone. 

'Who are you?' Scar. Suspicious. Of... someone? I turn to face him, realising that his sword is pointed at me. I look between the diamond weapon and him. The most obvious thing is that he's not wearing a top, revealing a whole lot of muscle that I don't believe is real. The second most obvious thing is that his skin is half-grey, and that his eyes are red. I step back.

'Uhh... this is me. Cub. Your friend.'

This makes him hesitate, and he lowers his sword slightly, frowning.

'You don't LOOK like Cub...' 

'Well, I am?' I try to laugh it off, realising a moment later what he's said. 'How... don't I look like me?'

'You have hair, and no beard, and you lot a lot younger.' 


I run my hand across the top of my head, where there certainly DIDN'T used to be hair. Sure enough, it gets caught in a mess of semi-curly hair. I look at Scar. 

'That'' I try to shake it off as a joke. But it's not. I have HAIR. 'Is there a water source nearby?'

'I have a bucket.' 

Scar holds up a bucket of water. I think there's also a pufferish in there, but I'm not focused on it, instead my face. I try not to panic at the sight of a completely different face for the one I'd grown used to for so long. 

'Cub? Are you ok?'

'So you're accepting that I'm me now?'


'Where are we?'

'I don't know, I just woke up here like you did- should we explore?'


We set off. Neither of us know where we're going, so we go in a random direction, continuing on until Scar spots something in the distance.

'No... we're not here, are we?'

'Where's... here?' I reply tentatively, also noticing what he's seen. There seems to be some kind of castle ahead, and a stone platform in the air high above. Scar starts running towards it. I follow. Soon we're close enough to hear noise from within it.

'REN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' It's Martyn. I pick up the pace, finding a bow in my inventory and aiming an arrow ready to fire in case something goes wrong. We reach the castle, and Scar helps me up onto the walls. Ren's there, prowling after a very terrified Martyn, who's holding an axe. 

'Martyn! Over here!' I call. He looks over, confused for a moment, before glancing back at Ren and deciding I'm safer. He drops the axe and I haul him up the castle walls, letting him jump down behind me.

'Scar? You're here too?'


I notice the hostility between the two, slightly concerned, but Scar shrugs it off and sets off again I follow after, running to join him.

'Where is this place?' I ask. 

'Third life. The third life world.' I notice the fear in his voice. Everyone knew how shaken the third lifers were after what happened there. 'And I don't know why I'm still as I was on my third life, and Martyn isn't...' He shakes his head, letting off a small sigh. 'After everything that happened, this isn't the best place to end up.'

'I understand...' 

'Where are we going?' Martyn calls from behind us. I look to Scar for an answer. 

'Monopoly mountain.' He answers. 'Mine and Grian's base.'

'Ah... there.' 

'You don't... like there?'

'We were on opposite teams. I was with Ren and the rest of the Red Army. While Scar was busy messing around with Grian and driving us insane.'

'You were the ones that killed Pizza!'

'That was Skizz's idea. Not mine. And you'd already stolen our banner, and killed Ren by this point.'

'We don't have to bring back past tensions.' I intervene. Martyn calms down, sighing.

'Sorry. Being here makes us all want to think how we did before.'

'Here we are!' We've arrived at a desert, but are faced with a wall of cactus. Beyond is a vast expanse of sand, with a mountain jutting out in the distance. Luckily it's well lit. Well, some of it is. Which is good, since night had fallen and there's mobs everywhere. 

'We should set up a camp here and wait for day.' I suggest,

'There's not far to go...' Scar replies. 

'I agree with Cub. Let's make a dirt hut here and wait until morning.'

'Fine... let's go.'

We make the shelter, fighting off zombies and skeletons as we do. Eventually it's alright, made of dirt, and looking hideous, but it's only one night and none of us mind. 

The wait until morning passes slowly and awkwardly. Scar and Martyn are constantly flipping between being aright with each other and arguing. None of us are mentioning the maze, or what came after. Scar told me a lot about the SO DEAD and what else happened before he died, but there's clearly more from afterwards he's missing out. Eventually, sun shines through the wooden door and I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

'Dawn. We're safe now. Let's head over and see what we can do about the destroyed base.'

'Destroyed base?' 

'Me and Grian blew it up, and moved to another hideout which is surrounded by lava and bad stuff.'

'I almost died...' Martyn half-joked. 'Both times. Don't know how I didn't.'


'Definitely luck. Anyway, let's go!'

We all head off into the sunshine, beginning our path across the desert. A huge crater in front of a small hut makes me stop for a moment. Neither of the others seem to mind. They must've got used to it.'

'So, that's where me and Ren murdered Scott and Joel, as well as where Jimmy died...' Martyn points out. I decide I don't want to question further as we carry on.

'Mind the gap.' Scar says suddenly. I stop short of falling down what looks like a ravine, Martyn doing the same just next to me.

'Jeez... could've mentioned that a bit sooner...' He breaths, getting over the shock. I step away from it. Scar jumps across to the other side , inviting me and Martyn to follow. With an unsure glance at the Brit, I leap over, landing smoothly. He follows after, also alright. 

Until Scar turns and shoves him straight in.

Inthelittlewood hit the ground too hard escaping GoodTimewithScar

The first two books in this book are set before season 8, or were certainly written before I started watching it, so that's why Cub's new skin is featured for the first time here. 

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