Chapter 8: First day of school

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Adalind was looking in the mirror at her outfit she had gone for something simple jeans and a t-shirt. She grabbed her bag and headed downstairs seeing her brother waiting.  "You ready for your first day?"

"I don't have a choice." She didn't have a choice she needed school so whether she liked it or not she had to go.

"Well have a good first day." Aviana knew it had to be hard starting halfway through the year. But she hoped that the brothers could make it a little bit easier for her. 

"I'll try." Adalind couldn't promise anything though because she wasn't sure how it was going to go.


Adalind, Jaylen, Dion, Lukas, and Jacob walked into the school. Dion looked over to his little sister he knew she had a little attitude so she wasn't sure how she wanted to go about this. "You want one of us to show you to the office."

She shook her head she did not want everyone to know her as their sibling. She would much rather do this on her own. "No thanks, i rather not be seen with y'all I'll see y'all later." She walked away from them following the signs to the office. 

"Why did that hurt?" Jaylen looked to the others not sure why what his sister had said had hurt so much.

"Because she's our sister and she's an asshole." Lukas was sure she could have been nicer about it. 


Adalind walked into the office seeing students standing around with their parents she walked up to the secretary's desk. Clearing her throat trying to get her attention. 

Not bothering to look up at her. "Give me a minute I'll be right with you."


She looked up at Adaind giving a slight smile. "How can i help you?"

Adalind sighed just wanted to get this out of the way. "I'm Adalind Bianchi my stepmom enrolled me." 

She looked up at her right away she knew the Bianchi family was very scary and influential. She grabbed a folder handing it over to her she had to admit she did look a lot like her brothers. "Ms. Bianchi of course this is your schedule you do share a few classes with your brothers. "

"Ok thanks." Adalind took the folder and walked out of the office seeing Vivian waiting for her. 

Vivian was smiling she was so happy that she was in school with her best friend again. "I'm so excited."

"Same." Adalind said she was happy they were in school but she did miss her partner in crime. 

"You talked to Amanda." Vivian asked she had talked to her and she had not been in a good mood. 

Adalind shook her head she was going to call her later she knew she had to be having a hard time. "Not today i was going to call after school,"

"Her Tia is setting up another meet and greet."

"I don't get why when she knows Amanda hates it."

"I know."


Vivian and Adalind were walking through the hallway heading towards the lunch room. Adalind had to admit that the school wasn't as bad as she thoight it was going to be but she wouldn't tell her that. 

Vivian however was excited for her cousin and best friend she knew this was going to be good for her. "So how are you liking school so far."

"It's fucking irritating." She didn't like how the teachers looked at her when they realized who she was. It was like they were scared of her and she didn't understannd it. But other than that it was just like any normal school.

"No cussing rule." VIvian reminded she knew why it was in place but she knew her best friend would break it every chance she got.

"I told her i would break it. Just like the don't be disrespectful to my brother's rule." If they wanted respect they were going to have to earn it right now they were all strangers to her. "I broke that the day i got there."

"You really need to learn to watch your mouth." But VIvian knew her and she knew the likely hood of that ever happening was slim.

"Stop tackling me." Adalind countered she knew that too was something that wouldn't stop happening.

Vivian rolled her eyes ignoring her she had something better that Adalind needed to know about. "Guess what they need new cheerleaders."

"And why would i do that?" Adalind knew that she had been a cheerleader for years but she wasn't sure her brothers would let her get away with it now. 

Vivivan groaned she thought that it was obvious why she wanted her to join because she was the best.  "Because you would instantly get captain and you would look amazing in the uniform. And i know you and Amanda won state Freshman year and we haven't in years. We need a boost and you would be perfect."

"Any other reason that i could potentially get the stalkers to approve of." Adalind wasn't stupid she was sure that her brothers weren't just going to approve of her cheerleading. It didn't matter if they knew her or not. She had already seen the four of them secretly watching over her.

"You know how to flip really well and you're not scared of heights." Vivian was not giving this up she refused she knew this would be good for them. 

"Your not giving this up?" Adalind wish she would but she knew how unlikely that was. Vivian was persistent on winning she wasn't giving that up.

"No I'm on the team please the captain sucks she needs someone to put her in her place." And Vivian knew her best friend was just the one to do that she knew what her mouth was like after all.

"When are tryouts?" Adalind knew she was doing them whether not she liked it.

"After school my mom was gonna pick me up she can get you too." She knew that would make it easier for them if her mom just picked her up.

"I'll call Aviana i need leggings." She knew she wasn't getting out of this and she had definitely not come prepared to try out for cheerleading.

Vivian already had her converted she hadn't been giving Adalind a choice whether to join or not. "I have an extra pair and i have tónico y corrector que cubrirá tus moretones para juegos"(toner and concealer that will cover your bruises for games)

"Fine. Let me go call Aviana we share the next class can you give me a minute." She walked off pulling out her phone and dialing Aviana's number. She put the phone to her ear she hoped she could convince her to let her try out.

"Yes, Adalind."

"Vivian wants me to try out for cheerleading." She knew if she went to her brothers there was a better chance at them telling her no. "You said your the adult you make the decisions."

"In this case ask your brothers that go to school if you can get them to say yes then you can try out." Aviana was not getting in the middle of this while she had no problem with it. She didn't go to the school she would have to ask them for this.

"I was afraid you were going to say that." She wasn't sure how she was going to convince them to let her try out. They were probably going to play the protective brother card on her. 

"I wish you luck." Aviana knew she was going to need it if she wanted to convince them.

"Thanks. I pray it helps. Bye." She hung up and walked back over to Vivian she knew the two of them were going to need to come up with a plan. "She said only if my brothers agree. The same brothers who got mad when i had a half-shirt on 2 days ago."

"You know the one thing i hated that you and Mandy were so good at." Vivian knew if anyone could blackmail a Bianchi it was going to be their little sister.

"What?" She was going to need her to be more specific she and Amanda had gotten themselves into a lot of trouble.

"You two are good at blackmail do it at lunch."

"Got it."


A/N: Should i post the chapters that match from drawn to me Amanda's book or wait till this is finished because each book overlaps with another

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