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Reverse was forced to stay as other mall visitors were escorted into the mall. Reverse just sit at his place while sipping to the milk tea without a care. After all the visitors are safely inside the mall,they approached him.

Man: Your Cyber_ID sir.

Reverse:*sip the milk tea* I don't have one.

Man2:How-? Forget that. Anyway,the boy with you earlier. Do you know him?

Reverse:*chew boba* Yeah. He saved me from drowning.

They look at him.

Man3: What is his name?

Reverse: Iris. *real blunt*

One of the man nodded while the other look at Reverse.

Man2: Sir,do you know where he lives?

Reverse:*sips more* Of course. I lived with him now.

That information makes them interested.

Man2: Sir,we need you to come with us.

Reverse:*unbothered* Why should I?

Man1: We need you for the interrogation.

Reverse thought for a while.

Reverse: Well,yeah okay.

The men look satisfied with what they got making Reverse smirk.

Reverse: Oh,can I throw this first at the bin?*point a bin that are farthest away and near the railing*

Man3: Yeah sure.

Reverse stand up and take both of the bags and walk to the bin. Then,he take a peak at the ground below.

A small smirk lurking beside his lips.

Man: Hey,are you done?

Reverse:*innocently smile* Oh,yeah sure. Say,sir?

The men almost scream when Reverse jump up on the railing and playfully walk on them like he was walking on a log.

Man:Kid get down from there!

Reverse:*innocent face* Hah? Get down? Okie~

Reverse tip his weight lightly, freefalling from the mall.

As soon as he almost hit the ground, a gust of wind soften his landing and just like that,he land on his foots gracefully.

Like a Mariposa ma-

Reverse:Pfft- Amatuer.

He look around and sees a small figure is peaking out from the emergency exit. He chuckled before teleporting right behind the door.

Reverse: Hello.

Ali screamed and almost slammed the door shut and Reverse laughed his head off.

Reverse: Hahahahaha! Man,you should see you face!

Ali:*hit  Reverse's arm* It's not funny you bastard!

Reverse:*giggle* N-Not sorry...You face is funny as hell-

Ali: Idiot bastard I freaking hate you.

Reverse:*swat hand* Yeah,yeah I hate you too now lets go.

Reverse hook his hand behind Ali's shoulder and drag him to walk away from the mall.

Looks like his shock made him forgot to ask how the heck Reverse arrived before him.







After they arrived home,Ali took both of their shopping bag to wash the clothes and Reverse is laying face down on the sofa.

Reverse: Ali,do you have any book that I can read or something? Maybe a sketchbook so I can draw?

Ali peak out from the laundry room.

Ali: You can take my table on the table. You can read online books or sketch from there.

Reverse: No. I want real book.

Ali:*groan* Gah,you're impossible.

Ali goes to his room and take out a sketchbook he never use with a pencil and eraser and go back to Reverse.

Ali:Here you go. Happy?

Reverse:*take the sketchbook* Yeah.*start scribbling*

Ali(in mind): How the heck he is the Galaxy Conqueror? He look like a child who stuck in 16 years old body.

Ali sigh lightly and go his room to lay down for a while and  let Reverse do his work.

His thought wandered back to the mall.

Looks like they can't be there for shopping anymore.

Ali sighed again before turning on his phone.

The messages and calls are increasing a lot.

Ali:Please. Just one week disappearing and they go crazy like this.

He is comtemplating right now.

Ali:Maybe I should go in the middle of the night when Reverse is sleeping....That way he wouldn't know..

Yeah, he's definitely going to do the mission right after Reverse sleep.


Imma alive-

Author Kim_Ezra

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