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Ali: A-Alicia...

The atmosphere was chaotic with screams of people who were trying to escape.

There are many droids with weapons pointing at them. There are a lot of agents too and several helicopters shining the light from the outside.

Ali:*look around*  Do you have to go out like this? You are ruining one of my bestest night.*glare*

Alicia: You left us with no choice. We tried the safest way to get you,but you were so damn stubborn,MATA had to use this method instead.

All the people are forced to stay by the  wall,leaving the middle of the hall empty,with Ali and Alicia right in the middle and all agents pointed their weapons to Ali.

Ali: You knew you were ruining a private party,right?

Alicia: Like they care.

Ali rolled his eyes in annoyance before slowly put his arms up.He look at the stage and almost went Override after seeing how hard the core leaders are holding Amato.

Ali:*turn* Let him go! He had nothing to do with this!

A.Ganz: As if I would believe something like that! Not fat chances he wouldn't recognized you!

A.Dayang: Ali,you are a fugitive,a runaway with a bounty on your plate even after they stopped broadcasting about you two years ago. Do you think he wouldn't notice you?

That somehow makes sense to Ali.

Wait,he forgot something. His face is literally everywhere in Cyberraya but Amato never said anything about it.

Does he actually..?! There's must be some other explanation!

Amato wouldn't-

His loud yell snap Ali out of it.

Amato: Snap out of it,Ali! They are trying to get to you!

Ali jolted a bit. He tried to scan whether if Amato is lying or not.

Ali: Sir...please be honest with..Did you actually knew who I were all this time..? Did you.....called them here..?

As quickly as he asked,Amato shot back.

Amato: Of course I knew who you are! And for heck sake,if I want that bounty's prize,I would have called them the first time I met you!

With all his strength,Amato back flipped Ganz and swiped his leg under Dayang's legs and run towards Ali.

The agents and droids points their weapons to Amato but Dayang stops them.

Amato stood protectively in front if Ali. They wouldn't risk to shot at him if Amato acted like the human shield.

Amato is still citizen's model after all.

Ali is trembling.

Ah,where is Reverse when we need him-?

Amato: Ali,you have to get out from here.

Ali:....Why didn't you tell me?

Amato turn to look at Ali. His eyes full of tears. The feeling of...betrayal?

Ah,shit. This is not the right time to tell him.

Amato:*keep on his stances and glared at everyone* Ali...I promised I will tell you if we get out from here safe and unharmed. I never had any ill-intention towards you, that's for sure.

For now,for their sake,Ali need to calm down and trust Amato. He turn his back to Amato,to keep alert for each other.

Where is Reverse when you need him?

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