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Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap.
Reverse: How many pictures of me did you snap? Stop it.

Ali: I can't help it.I can be rich just by selling this.

Today is the day they both would start their internship. And Reverse being nervous wreck is a comedy for Ali.

This morning when Ali woke up,Reverse already dye his hair dark brownish color and for some reason,he dye his black hair piece to white,saying that it would look cooler like that which Ali agreed.

Since he was nervous,he bought almost twenty set of full tuxedo to wear during the internship but at the end,Ali just force him to wear normally since Amato didn't care much about what they wear to the internship.

Wear whatever you felt comfortable,he said.

So,the Galaxy Conqueror teleport to the mall to buy a new set of clothes with Ali is trying to stop him from buying the entire store.

Now,at the mall after two hours,Reverse finally get the outfit he wants. Black slack pants with chained belt,black long T-shirt and orange vest.He let his hair the way it was and to be honest,if he really works at modelling company,he could be twice rich that he are now.

Reverse:*grab Ali's phone to stop him taking more picture* Stop.

Ali:*giggle* Fine,fine. I took more than enough anyway.*put his phone away* You look fantastic,Reverse. We will be okay.

Reverse:*sigh* Then,how about you? Are you okay with this?

Ali: I'm okay.This is also might be my only chance to be normal too,you know?Even I didn't finished school and all,at least with this internship,I could earn money in a legal way.

Reverse: That's right.*sigh* I guess this is a new changes for both of us.

Ali just smile in return. He felt like all of his problems gone just like that.

Reverse:Anyway,are you sure I look okay?Is this enough?Should we bring anything to him?Does this jacket made me look like an alien?*continue to freak out*

Ali laughs again.This time he made sure to record Reverse as future blacklist video.








The time has come,mortal.The time for the internship.

Ali,with his hood on,looking around the lobby as Reverse bouncing his leg,clearly nervous.

If Ali hadn't know better,Reverse is looking forward for this internship more than Ali himself.

Ali: Reverse,what have I said about calming down?

Reverse:*bit his nails until bleeding* I never felt so nervous like this.I don't know what's happening to me...Is this normal human reaction?

Ali:*sweatdropped* I promised you it is normal.

Ali stop Reverse from bitting his own nails and take out a band-aid he always prepared and wrap his bleeding finger.

His hand is ice cold,Ali could see frostbites start to form on his hand.

Ali:*sigh* Control your power,Reverse.You are going to be fine.

Reverse:*bit his lip* But...

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