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Reverse: Again,charge!

Ali: *groan* Can we take a break? I'm tired!

Today,both of them are out somewhere near abandoned sites that used to be Ali's secret base.

Reverse thought that it was finally time for Ali to learn the real self defense art since Ali grew up a little. So, Reverse decided to train him like the way he was trained...

But more merciful,at least.

Ali: Reverse,we have been training for almost 4 hours straight. I don't think my body can handle it anymore.*whine*

The Galaxy Conqueror sigh in defeat.

Reverse: Fine. Let's stop for a while.

Ali: Finally.*flop on the floor*

Reverse:*wave his hand creating a green hammock*

Both of them stay in silent for a moment before Ali starts talking.

Ali: Hey Reverse? I want to ask you something.

Reverse: Hm?

Ali immediately sit up and look at Reverse.

Ali: Remember the time that you were sick and I had to cure you?

Reverse: Ah,yes. That one embarrassing moment of my entire life.*groan* I can't believe I collasped from mere stupid weapon.

Ali: Aha...It's not that bad,Rev.

Reverse:*sigh* I once slaughtered an entire alien mankind bare-handed and they have advanced weapons and entire armies. I barely got a scratch.*bored expression*

Ali(in mind): Ah,I forgot. He's a killing machine-

Ali: Okay Conqueror. What am I trying to tell is when I was out,guess who did I met~?

Reverse:*raise eyebrow* Viktor?

Ali:Ack-Yes,him too..But this is totally someone else!*radiating positive aura*

Reverse:*can't handle it**look away* Yeah,yeah who is it and get out from my personal space-*push Ali lightly but still let he sit in the hammock anyway*

Ali:*excited baby bean* I met my idol,Mr.Amato!

The Galaxy Conqueror stunned for a moment with a deadpan face.

Reverse: Who's that?

Ali: Ack-? The one on the billboard that you asked me?When we were out for groceries at night?

Reverse:*blank expression* I don't remember.

Ali:*sweatdropped* Wow,you really had a short-term memory.

Reverse: *shrug*

Ali:Hm..You know what? How about I bring you to him?

Reverse: Why should I and how the heck? You are a fugitive.

Ali: Aha! This is where it is okay. Mr.Amato doesn't know who I was and he kinda impressed with my laboratory skills when I sneaked inside his building.

Reverse:You broke in?

Ali: Ah,more to 'borrowing and paying it later'.

Reverse just roll his eyes in annoyance.

Ali: Awh,come on! It would be fun! Actually,I have been contacting him for a while now since I wanted to try my luck. And you know?He actually did picked up the phone!

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