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Reverse: The name is Reverse,mortal. And I am the Galaxies Conqueror.

There are some snickers and mumbling through the hall but Reverse doesn't care at all.

Well,who would believe him,anyway?

A.Ganz: *snort* Sound exaggerating.

Reverse: Yeah,I know. People loved to exaggerated.

With a snap of his fingers,a white portal appears under all the guest in the room and they disappear immediately.

Now that makes the agents become more alert.

Reverse: Don't worry,I just teleported them back to somewhere safe.

Alicia:*points arrow to Reverse*  So,you have powers. No wonder why nobody believes Sir Daniel.

Reverse; Hm? Ouh,that crybaby? I forgot. Did you remember,Ali?

Ali: Nope.

By the corner of his eyes,Ali could see the blue light of his Override Mode is appearing slowly. Reverse is buying the time for him to recover.

Bulat: So you are the one who brutally killed them!

Reverse: Ah,right. They hurt Ali. Of course I would personally killed them myself.

Ali then realized something.

Ali: Wait. How do you know there were more people? Reverse buried all of them even before the police came.

Reverse: *smirk*  Now,you knew who is the other dealer who tried to buy you off that bastard.

Ali: Sheesh,human trafficking is illegal,you know?

The green vines that are swaying dangerously behind Reverse preventing them to fo anything rushed. The young agents still have their weapon.

Reverse:*look at his watch*  Hate to cut this short,but I actually wanted to go up to the stage and receive my medal as the best student and live my life as a normal teenager.And you ruined my supposed to be best night. I can't let it slide easily.

A gust of wind suddenly appear and Reverse float up,grinning as they watch in horror.

Reverse; I was really in a good mode,y'know. So I will give you two chances. One,get the f out of here and let us live in peace. Second,die.

Not really convincing chances I guess.

Alicia step forward,ready to fight.

Alicia: We have come this far. No way to go back now.

Rudy:*sigh* Hate to say this but it's not like I had the chance to back out anyway.

Jet; I don't want the cruel three months training wasted for nothing!

Roza: If we die,we die.

Seeing none of the back out,Reverse sigh and float down next to Ali.

His safety is his number one priority.

Reverse: Well,you choose death.*whispers to Ali* Run and take Sir Amato with you. Run as far as you can. I will hold them off.

Ali:*whispers back* You don't actually have to unalive them, y'know.

Reverse: I know. Just try to scare them off but I made no promises.Be safe

Ali rolled his eyes and ready his stances to run. The green vines swipe both Dayang and Ganz to the side and the other one wrapped around Amato and Reverse pull him closer.

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