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Your powers
Reverse:..... My powers? For what?

Reverse stares at the old man as he move closer to him. The old man stared at him behind those glasses.

Mayor Othman, previously Mayor of Cyberraya, had to rest because of his injuries. He has this..... uncomfortable and dangerous vibes around him.

M.Othman: You are powerful,do you think we would let someone as powerful as you disappear without examining what're you capable of.

A.Dayang: So,Mayor purposed us to take you to the training island for you to demonstrate your powers.

Reverse: powers?

M.Othman: I saw what you did to Daniel. Thanks to you, he was now declared as mentally unstable. In that place, where you 'show' your powers just to save that kid.

Reverse:.....Just that? Demonstrate my powers?

D.Othman: Yes,just that. Do you have any problem with it?

Reverse: And what do I get in return? This is very one-sided deal.

Dayang and Ganz look at each other before Dayang speaks up.

A.Dayang: I will talk to TAPOPS to enlighten your punishment. You may still need to be confined,but at least it's better than death and you can still see Ali with our permission.

Reverse seems to think about it. The chains rattles as he moves his head left to right, thinking.

Reverse:....... I get to see Ali again if I agree?

The adult look at each other.

M.Othman: Yes, we will let you see that boy if you are being co-operative.

Reverse: Then we have a deal.
With Ali.

It has been....three months since his capture? Rudy helps him to keep in touch with real time world.

You couldn't tell time here.

Right now,he is munching on a bread, his breakfast today. He still hear the voices but thanks to the little device that Rudy gave him,Ali could at least block the voices when he was asleep.

After in his two months capture, Ali finally finalized his plan to escape. All that he need to do is to convince them that he is not going away.

Y'know,the tiny little act that he is actually losing hope to escape and when they bought it, he would go batshit crazy and escape.

He just need to be convincing. Convince them that they had finally brainwashing him into thinking that he IS actually mentally unstable and need therapy.

Pftt- Who need therapy anyway?

The crystal,well,it looks like a glass now. Ali can't even feel the powers or see the light in it. He could only use it as his reminder that Reverse is very much real and alive. He said melt,not crack. Plus, Rudy has been helping him in checking over Reverse but everytime, he was asleep.

Maybe he was tired? Maybe he was put into a deep sleep? Who knows?

Ali(in mind): I just need to trust him. He never lied to me..... didn't he?

A hissing sound of mechanical door opening attracts his attention. He just stares at the core leaders blankly while munching his last piece of bread.

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