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Both Amato and Ali immediately go into fight mode as MATA agents began surrounding them. Reverse is the other hand,just glares at them.

Reverse: Foolish humans. Just because I am defective you thought I wouldn't kill you?

Dayang and Ganz are just smirking at him. Dayang then look at Amato.

Dayang: Thank you for making our job easier,Amato. You really were helping us.

Reverse glares hard at Amato when Dayang said that.

Amato: I don't know what were you talking about you witch- What the hell did you say to Rev?

Dayang:Awh,I didn't say anything. You did-

She almost got blast off by Amato who is holding his blaster straight at her.

Amato: I won't miss again. What did you do?!

Reverse: *frustrated* Oh,come on bastard! Why can't you just admitted it?!

Amato: Because I didn't fudging do it now stay there!

Reverse:Make me!


And stay Reverse goes. He got startled when Amato glared at him hard,as if challenging him to move.

Y'know,the 'Asian Dad' eyes where the dad look at their children that would make them stay and think about what have they done?

Yeah,that one.

Ali:*amazed* Wow,I don't actually think he would do it.

Okay,back to the situation.

With all the agents there surrounding them left and right,there is no way they could get out of here, without Reverse's powers. But he is unstable now for some reason and Ali need to calm him down.

Every problem has a solution,he noted in mind.

Maybe MATA used the hologram tech to replicate Amato and gave Reverse false information.

But the question is,how the heck they knew so much?

Ali move a bit closer to Reverse. He in the other hand,in reflex,raise his hand in front of Ali,indicating on protecting him.

Lol,it become a habit of him.

The leaders laughed seeing their interaction.

A.Dayang: It's all over now,Ali. It's pointless now.

Ali: *glares* I am not that weak-willed. I'm not giving myself or IRIS up. Even if I have to die for it.

The blue lining of Override Mode began appearing on Ali. This time,for sure-

He want this endless cycle to end,right here,right now.

Reverse is still in front of him with his hand out,still glaring at the agents in front of him.

He is so confused now. Even his Elementals are confused and have different opinions.

He's trying so hard to be rational right now.

Who should he trust? The old man that show him nothing but kindness this whole time or the old man that was associated with the bastard agency?

Humans feelings are so confusing....

He felt a soft pat behind his back,he doesn't need to turn back to see who it was.

Ali: Reverse,I don't know what they did to you in capture but now,if we want to get out from this alive,and get the answers that you want,you have to trust what your heart's trying to say.

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