Break In

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A big thumps startled Ali awake. In a daze condition,he looks around.

Ali: I' home? What the... Last night...

Flashback of yesterday event flashed through his mind.


A loud groan disturb Ali's flashback.

He quickly hop out from his bed and walked out. The loud groan is coming from the bathroom.

Ali: Reverse?

No answer.

Ali immediately go to the bathroom.

Ali: *gasp* REVERSE!

Reverse is gasping for air on the floor. Blood is dripping from the corner of his lips and his body is shivering violently.

Ali instantly kneel beside Reverse.

Ali: R-Reverse! What happened? Are you injured?

Reverse just groan in response.

Reverse: n-not right...My healing power is not w-working- Uhuk! *Bloody cough*

Seeing all the blood made him remembered yesterday-

Ali shook his head and trying to get a hold on himself. This is not the right time to panic. Reverse need his help.

Ali take a handkerchief from the cabinet,wet it and gently wipes the blood from Reverse's mouth. His skin is hot to touch.

Ali: Come on, let's get you back to bed so I can check what is wrong with you.

Reverse nodded in response. Ali hooked Reverse's arm under his shoulder and gently support him. Reverse is bigger than Ali so it is a little bit hard for him to walk stably to the bedroom.

Reverse: *groan* It almost felt like my inside is molten lava...

Ali: Yeah and you are radiating heatwave. I'm sweating here.

They finally arrived at Ali's bedroom and Ali gently laid Reverse on the bed. He is panting heavily. Ali quickly grab his IRIS on the nightstand and turn it on.

He immediately scan Reverse.

Ali:*gasp* Reverse,your internal organ is-

Reverse: *cut in* Bleeding. Yeah I knew. *cough*

Ali: It is serious Reverse! You can die because of blood lost!

Reverse: *groan* I don't know... Usually I never had this kind of problem...*mumble* Usually Thorn will heal me up..

Ali: *didn't catch that*  What happened last night? Did they hit you with something? I didn't see much laying on the floor with BLOOD all over my face.

Reverse: *bloody cough*  Uhuk! Y-Yeah. That bastard actually managed to hit me with the weapon in the briefcase....Y-Yeah I think that's it...

Ali: *ruffled up his hair* Gosh,I don't even know what the weapon can actually do. All the data about the weapon was in the briefcase. I can get it back at the warehouse!

Reverse: Nope,no you can't. I already send it to the hospital when I- Uhuk! W-When I threw that bastard near the dumpster.

Ali: *groan* Now the weapon is with the police. Great.

Reverse: Nah...even worse. I think I recalled a man in grey suit picking it up and read the note I left there.

Ali:Ouh,let me guess. He was sucking a lollipop in his mouth?*roll eyes**sarcastic*

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