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(Photo of an angry looking Tim in superman pyjamas sitting on the counter in Wayne Manors kitchen holding a cup of coffee)
TheRealTinDrake✓: Can @ProblemChild and @FlyingGrayson please stop switching my coffee, I swear you're asking for war!!!
❤️15k 💬1549
JayToddWayne✓: Bring it on shortstack. @CoffeeAddict.
DGraysonWayne✓: No Jay we are not starting a war over coffee!!
JayToddWayne✓✓: No one asked you @FlyingGrayson, stay out of this.
DGraysonWayne✓: @ProblemChild, I was tagged dumbass.
OfficiallyDamiWayne✓: When will this war take place I would love to watch you annihilate each other @CoffeeAddict @ProblemChild.
TheRealTinDrake✓: Stay outta this Demon this is between me and Jason.
JayToddWayne✓: What about Dick?
DGraysonWayne✓:@TheRealWayne don't encourage them and @ProblemChild you told me to stay out of it!!!
JayToddWayne✓: @FlyingGrayson well now I'm bringing you back into the mix, it was your idea, "Oh he won't notice", Ifucking told you he would!!!!!!!
DGraysonWayne✓: I really thought he wouldn't!
TheRealTinDrake✓:As Dickie likes to say revenge is best served glittery so beware @FlyingGrayson @ProblemChild I'm plotting against you!
StephBrown🧇🥞💜: My question is where is @BWayneOffical for all this cause his children are literally declaring war on each other and he hasn't said a word to stop it.
BruceWayneOffical✓: If I ignore it maybe it'll go away @GoldenWaffle


(Picture of Dick in his bedroom covered in pink glitter with a pout on his face and only wearing black jeans)
Babs💖Grayson: I'm almost afraid to ask but why did I come home to my boyfriend covered in glitter?
❤️11k 💬1673
TheRealTinDrake✓: Revenge!!!!
Babs💖Grayson: Fair enough.
RichGraysonfanno1: @BabsG has he gotten it off cause my brother did that to me and it took me days to get it off
Babs💖Grayson: @Graysonfan almost, He's used to having glitter on him, Don't ask. I keep finding glitter in his hair everytime he lies down and now he's pouting cause I won't let him cuddle me until it's gone.
DGraysonWayne✓: see what you did @CoffeeAddict, not only did you use MY glitter stash but you coat me cuddle time with my girlfriend before we have to go to work!
TheRealTinDrake✓: That's the price of picking war with your brother. Insert evil laugh. Also don't you mean cost not coat. @FlyingGrayson
DGraysonWayne✓: 😝 so mean to me @CoffeeAddict


(Picture of Jason also in his bedroom covered in green glitter wearing a red tshirt and jeans glaring at whoever is taking the picture with a laughing Lian on his hip)
RoyHarperOfficial✓: This is the result of @ProblemChild's war with @CoffeeAddict, Ps. He's glaring at me cause I'm laughing at him.
❤️99m 💬1,122
JayToddWayne✓: I hate you so much @HyperQueen, So so much!
RoyHarperOfficial✓: No you don't baby don't lie ❤️💛💚💙💜 @ProblemChild
JayToddWayne✓: Right now @HyperQueen I really do, haven't seen each other in a month and the first thing you do is laugh at me!
RoyHarperOfficial✓: You literally just took only my daughter to the zoo cause you're mad at me, Talk about petty @ProblemChild.
JayToddWayne✓: Love you ❤️💛
DGraysonWayne✓: it's common knowledge @HyperQueen that @ProblemChild is a petty bitch!
JayToddWayne✓:bitch how? @FlyingGrayson
RoyHarperOfficial✓:@ProblemChild @FlyingGrayson can you not fight in my comment section.
JayToddWayne✓: And for the record @HyperQueen you asked me to babysit your sweet little angel so you could go out with @FlyingGrayson @TheBetterHarper and @TheWalMan
DGraysonWayne✓: we are out just waiting on @TheWalMan like always.
WallyWest: @FlyingGrayson I'm coming. My flight was delayed because I unlike you rich boys have to take the everyday people's plane.
RoyHarperOfficial✓: A likely story West! A Likely story!!


(A picture of a shirtless Tim covered in black and purple glitter)
CassCainWayne✓:@FlyingGrayson @ProblemChild, @GoldenWaffle and I got revenge on @CoffeeAddict for you!!
❤️1.1k 💬1500
JayToddWayne✓: This is why your my favourite sibling.
DGraysonWayne✓: Hey @ProblemChild Words hurt
CassCainWayne✓: Its true @FlyingGrayson, I'm everyone's favourite sister
OfficiallyDamiWayne✓: You are our only sister Cain!
CassCainWayne✓: I know💝💝 that's why I'm the favourite!!!
TheRealTinDrake✓: @ProblemChild You're
JayToddWayne✓: and that @CoffeeAddict is why you are my least favourite!!!
OfficiallyDamiWayne✓: Don't worry Grayson you are still my favourite sibling @FlyingGrayson
DGraysonWayne✓: @TheRealWayne I know Dami you've made that quite clear


(A picture of a shirtless Tim covered in black and purple glitter)
StephBrown🧇🥞💜: just helped my bff get revenge on my bf for her brothers honour
❤️53 💬126
TheRealTinDrake✓: You have no idea how betrayed I feel right now @GoldenWaffle and don't get me started on @AngelChild using my girlfriend against me is despicable!!!
CassCainWayne✓: You're the one that declared war! And then got your girlfriend to rig our brothers rooms while they were out,
CassCainWayne✓: Seriously @ProblemChild had to put like $25 in the swear jar because of the string of curses that came out of his mouth.
JayToddWayne✓: It was $10 @AngelChild, I stopped myself when I saw @HyperQueen had Lian with him
RoyHarperOfficial✓: @AngelChild its true he did, so much better than me at covering language.
JayToddWayne✓: @HyperQueen and I'm damn proud of it. ❤️
Babs💖Grayson: Hey why wasn't I invited?
CassCainWayne✓: Spur of the moment @BabsG, Steph was the only one that was here
Babs💖Grayson: I suppose that's a good enough reason!

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