Dick's birthday (20th March)

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Dicks birthday 20th march 1996 he is 26 (Im going of 2022 as the year for their birthdays. thats the year i started and i forget the birthdays :( )

When it comes to his birthday Dick isn't a fan. Which for him is odd, as Jason likes to say, Dick is the biggest attention whore out of all the Wayne's, He loves being the centre of attention a side affect of his circus up bringing according to Dick himself. Though for Dick the 20th of March to the 1st of April is the worst two weeks of his life. His mind constantly running through the events that lead up to him being taken in by Bruce and in extent meeting his Wife and friends and gaining three brothers and two sisters (Yes he does count Stephanie as his sister). Of course given the choice he probably wouldn't change anything, while he misses his parents a lot, his life would be drastically different and  well he wouldn't know any of his amazing friends and his legacy as Robin and now Nightwing wouldn't have been born.

Dick opened his eyes as another nightmare of his biological family falling woke him with a start. He turned his head to look at the alarm clock on his bedside table. The bright blue numbers read 03:41 am and just under neath that the date says 03/20/2022. Its his birthday, that would explain it. "Dee" it was whispered soft and tiredly from the body he was wrapped around. "time is it?" She mumbled turning in his arms burying her face into his chest affectively grounding him back to reality without meaning to. "six" he lied knowing she was half asleep and wouldn't open her eyes. "Go back to sleep Babi" He said. Once she had drifted back to sleep he carefully shifted until he could get out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweat pants deciding to for-go the t-shirt that lay beside it and after pressing a kiss to Barbara's forehead as he always does when he gets out of bed before her, then he grabs his phone off its charging port. He carefully snuck out of his room and avoided all the floorboards that squeaked under his feet. Once he got to the landing which overlooked the foyer below he jumped up onto the railing and flipped off of it into the foyer. "Richard!" Dicks head snapped to the grandfather clock where Bruce was stepping out of the entry way into the Batcave it hid. "Oh Hi B" he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "What are you doing up? It's nearly four in the morning?" Bruce asked. "I needed a drink" he lied. Bruce hummed in the 'I don't believe you but I'm going to let you believe I do" kind of way. "I was going to make a cup of tea before I go to bed...." It was an open invitation. Bruce was giving him an option and wouldn't be hurt if he said no. "Tea does sound better then water" Dick said. It's a routine for them now, Dick has no doubt that Bruce had been in the cave waiting and watching the cameras until Dick snuck out of his room. They didn't speak as Bruce made the tea, they didn't need to. They all knew each other well enough that sometimes they don't need to speak. Bruce was waiting for Dick to break the silence "How do you do it Dad?" Dick asked his English slipping away along with the American accent he puts on always does when he's tired, or drunk. "Do what Dickie?" Bruce played Dumb as he sat down next to dick at the island in the kitchen, He knew what Dick meant, its a conversation they have every year, both men knew each others 'lines' off by heart by now. "Celebrate your birthday without your parents" He whispered it, "It's not easy, but I have you, and your brothers and sister" "ers" Dick interrupted "Plural" "Stephanie?" Bruce asked, "No, Barbara" Dick drawled sarcastically, "Yes Stephanie, dumbass." Dick laughed swatting Bruce's hands away when he poked him. Footsteps padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dick sighed as pale arms wrapped around his waist and a face was pressed into his back. "You Richard Grayson are a lying liar" Barbara mumbled into his back, Dick spun on his stool so Barbs face was tucked into his chest "I didn't wanna wake you" he mumbled quietly pressing a kiss to the side of her head as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Barb mumbled something that somewhat sounded like an insult before she lifted her head and said, "Come back to bed" Quietly against his lips. Dick nodded and let her pull him back up the stairs. Bruce had "snuck" out of the kitchen when Barb had come in.

Dick was woken up for a second time that morning at 10am to soft kisses pressed along his face. He hummed happily as she trailed across his jaw and down his neck "Morning" Dick whispered as Barb settled against him "Am I going to be bombarded by birthday celebrations?" He asked, "Only if you want to be, We'll go get breakfast and your wonderful family will decorate the house and you my dear husband will act surprised when we walk in the door" "Of course, I always do"  Dick said cupping her cheek and pulling her in for a kiss, "Dick we gotta get up" "But what if I wanna spend my birthday in bed with my beautiful wife" Dick asked with a grin pressing kisses into her hair letting his hands wonder down under blankets. Babs bit her lip and giggled "I mean one. two more hours won't hurt anyone" she said.    

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