Christmas in July

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Since the Batfamily has known her Stephanie has never walked through the front door unless she's with Tim, She's come in several different windows the back door but by far Bruce's favourite was when she came down the chimney.

Bruce was sitting in the dining room with several major Justice League Members and both Dick and Tim's teams, Barb and Jason were also present since they would be needed for the mission, when Stephanie dropped down in a red jacket her backpack on her back and yelled "Ho Ho Ho bitches, Christmas 'as come early" All the hero's stared in shock but the Bats who are far too used to her antics, she pulled a purple bow from her pocket and stuck it on her head "And I'm yer fuckin' present!" She said as Dick and Jason gave up and burst out laughing, "It's July" Bruce said and it wasn't his 'Batman' voice it was his as Jason likes to call it 'I'm the parent of several reckless teenagers' voice "Yeah, ever heard of Christmas in July B" Stephanie said walking over to Tim "Wanna unwrap me?" She asked sitting in his lap, Tim buried his face in her neck mumbling "You're a nutcase" before he looked up at her a playful smirk on his face, "Later Baby, We're busy" he said kissing her lips, Stephanie huffed and got up and walked into the kitchen coming out a second later with a plate of Alfred's cookies and a glass of milk, "Question for you Bats" she stopped by Bruce "My moms goin' on a business trip fer like three weeks an' she don't want to leave me 'ome alone...." "Yes You can stay here" Bruce interrupted "Oh T'ank god cause I really don' wanna stay wit' de crazy cat lady across from us, she calls me Stephen!!!" Stephanie said as she pulled a wallet from her pocket "Second, I'm stealing your credit card Baby" she said pulling out a black credit card before tossing it to Tim she pulled the bow from her head and stuck it on Bruce before she said "Ciao" taking her milk and cookies and walked up the stairs. Tim watched her go pure love and adoration in his eyes, an amused smile on his face, "I love that girl" he said absentmindedly as he put his wallet back into his pocket, "Trust me baby bird we know" Jason said, Dick and Barb shared an amused look, "Who was that?" Cassie asked "Stephanie Brown. AKA The Spoiler and she's my girlfriend" Tim said casting the other blond an apologetic look. Bruce cleared his throat to regain focus of the meeting. No one dared comment on the fact he has yet to remove the bow on his head.

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