Enter The Lizard

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"You promised me a cure!" Before Alex arrived to give Max Dillon the cure he needed? Max held the Connor's family and Eddie Brock and Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn hostage, "Where is it?!"

"We're working on it," Eddie replied to Max, "Just calm down. We'll have a cure ready. Just give us time-"

"I. Don't. Have. Time!" Max shouted, "I want a cure and I want it now! I want my life back! Connors started this! He made me this way! So he's going to fix me! Now!" Max shot a rod of Lightning as a warning sign, "Before I really get upset," Max didn't know this. Max didn't know the shot of lightning he shot as a warning sign, impacted the lizard DNA Curt was studying in order to restore his lost limb.

[Flashback ends]

At the Connors Home? Curt tested out the Lizard DNA that was enhanced by Max's electromagnetic powers. When Curt tested the serum on himself. When Curt and his family left their home. When Curt and his family arrived at the lab? "Augh!!!!Nargh!!!!" Curt cried out in pain as he held onto his shoulder where his lost limb used to be.

Mrs. Connors ran over to Curt, "Curt," she said, "Honey are you alright?!"

Before Curt could respond? When Curt pushed his wife away. When Curt took off the robotic arm? A sequence took place. When the sequence was over? "I don't believe it," Curt's arm grew back, "It worked. It worked."

With Harry? Harry Osborn thought that obtaining an internship at Connor's lab would give him the affection he always wanted from his father. To hear his father say, "I'm proud of you son"? Was one of many of Harry's dreams. Apparently? Alex/Peter working as an intern for Oscorp was more important to Norman than his first born son working with a highly educated scientist. Maybe that wasn't enough. Maybe Harry needed to prove that he didn't need his dad's money. Maybe? Just maybe? Harry needed a job. A job that paid. Imagine working for Connor and having another job that paid well? Norman would be proud of Harry then! He had to be proud! Harry would have two jobs! One that guaranteed a scholarship and another that guaranteed cold earned cash.

Harry Osborn applied for a job at the daily bugle before he arrived at Connor's lab. After the hiring process. After coming to Connor's lab to begin research? Here was this surprise. Dr. Curt Connors got his limb back. Harry couldn't believe it. Neither could Gwen believe it when she arrived for her intern program. A celebration was held. Eddie and Curt had an arm wrestling match. Everything was going fine. Until, "Curt..," Mrs. Connors noticed something on the back of Curt's neck. To her? To their son? To Eddie? To Harry? To Gwen? What was on Curt's back, seemed to be scales. Not just any scales. Lizard scales.

At Oscorp, "Oscorp building," Alex answered the phone, "How can I help you-"

"Pete!" It was Harry. He sounded freaked out, "Pete! It's Harry! You got to get to Connor's lab quickly! Something's going on with Dr. Connors!"

"I'll," Alex knew exactly what had happened, "I'll be right there," When Alex arrived at Connor's laboratory? "Whoa," Alex whistled, "This wreckage would make an interesting background for a horror movie. What happened?"

"Connors," Eddie replied, "He took the Lizard Serum Bro. The moment he took the serum? He became a Lizard. That was the side effects after the cure gave him what he wanted"

'So,' Alex thought, 'I have to fight the Lizard. Man this is going to hurt me more than the big green scaly lizard person' "So where'd he go?"

"I don't know," Eddie replied, "Probably where any Lizard would go to,"

"The Zoo," Alex replied, "Okay, Imma go find the cops and see if they can stop this Lizard person"

"I'm coming with you," Eddie replied

"No-No-No-No," Alex replied, "Too dangerous. Now if you want to stealthily follow the Lizard? I wouldn't mind that at all as long as you don't get caught"

"Fine," Eddie replied

"I'm coming with you," said Gwen

"Me too," Harry replied, "We got your back Eddie"

"Cool," Eddie replied

When Alex left Eddie and the others? When Alex dawned on the Spiderman Costume? When Alex swung his way to where he knew the Lizard was? When He found the Lizard at the subway station underground? When Alex tried to fight the Lizard and saw that he couldn't overpower him? Alex tried to outsmart him. Which backfired painfully, "Well," he said to himself, "So this is what it feels like to know you're out classed," 'The cure. They must have been working on one right? If they did then that's all I need to beat him with,' Alex swung back to the lab where he met with Mrs. Connor again. When Alex got the cure and when Eddie called to inform Mrs. Connor that he and Harry and Gwen found Curt at the New York City Zoo? When Alex arrived and faced the lizard once more? When Alex gave the Lizard the cure which turned him back to Curt Connors? When Harry secretly took photos for the Daily bugle to get that decent paycheck?

"Hey everyone," Harry greeted after he came from Midtown High, "What's with the long faces?" It was the next day. Gwen had arrived before Harry did.

Eddie snarled, "Do you think you can come in here and pretend like everything's fine?" he questioned, "Look at this!" He tossed the paper at a table so Harry could read it

Harry replied, "Listen. I know what you all are thinking-"

"Oh you don't have to tell me," Eddie replied, "A photo is worth a thousand words! Do you know what damage this can do to Dr. Connor's career?! Obviously you don't! Because if you did, you wouldn't have done this!"

"I don't understand," said Harry, "What's the problem? All I did was took photos and-"

"We thought you could be trusted, Harry," said Mrs. Connors, "But we were wrong. As of now, you are expelled from the internship program Harry. Take this time to think about what you've done"


[At Oscorp-Within Harry's Room]:

"Hold on," Alex, when he was told by Harry that he was expelled from the internship program, "You didn't do anything but take photos for the bugle. It's not your fault Connors became the Lizard and Spider-Man had to save the day"

"I know Pete." Harry sighed, "But they wouldn't listen. And when my dad finds out, he's going to freak. How did my life become something like this? I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted to make my dad proud." Alex placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"You did make him proud." Alex replied, "You went above and beyond for your dad. In ways no son ever would for their father. You were expelled from the Internship program, sure, but it isn't temporary. As soon as things calm down, they'll let you back into the internship program. I guarantee it." Harry sighed.

"I hope so." He replied.


[Later that night-With Alexander as Spider-Man]:

'I never understood why Norman was such an ass to his own son,' Alex webslung through New York city before his curfew, 'I mean, what happened back there at the lab, that should have been Peter's fault. Well, Connor's fault. Max's fault too. At least I was able to help Max be cured from becoming one of the most powerful supervillains who had ever lived. I can handle the sandman-Rhino-Goblin-Aw Jeez. Norman's going to become the Goblin. Okay. And then Doc Ock. Chameleon. The black suit. Black Cat. Venom. Mysterio. The Sinister Six. And most if not all were created by the Big Man. L Thompson Lincoln. And I'm going to pay him a visit. Whether he likes it or not. Or...I can wait until the Rhino debuts, kick him around the park, then meet Lincoln. Whatever I decide to do, I'll have to be careful. This is my new life now. So I have to NOT make the mistakes Peter Made. Both as Peter Parker, and as The Spectacular Spider-Man.'  

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