Enter The Symbiote [Part Three] The Birth Of Venom

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I'm Eddie Brock.


Once I was a normal person.

Once I was a friend of others.

Once I was at my highest point.

Still am thanks to Spider-man.

Spider-man brought the alien life form back.

Which means I got my job back.

But when things were going good before the week of thanksgiving, I couldn't help but replay the beating I took from Osborn.

The words he said to me, the rope he has around my bro's neck. Him and his father, nothing more than guys born with silver spoons in their mouths. Guys willing to step on the small fries to get ahead and make themselves seem invincible.

I hate people like them.

WE hate people like them.

Instead of getting my old job back, Instead of letting go and focusing on my future, I'd figured that I was done being nice for a change. I was done showing the other cheek. I was done looking after others. My fellow men. We WERE done looking after our fellow men. For now on, we're poison to society and Osborn. We will become the nightmares that will haunt the dreams of thieves and robbers and whoever stands in our way.

From now on...Eddie Brock is no more.

From now on...We...WE...ARE...VENOM!



What a day to have before thanksgiving:

My dad is going to be making me the founder of Oscorp.

My dad apologized for not showing me the love and care and attention that I deserved.

He promised me that he would start showing more affection for me from now on.

It was too much to take in that I thought it was a dream. Was I dreaming? No. No. It was all real. Spider-man helped me. He cleared my name. Dr. Connors apologized due to Eddie assuming and falsely accused me of taking the alien lifeform.

He wants me to return and become an intern again for him and his lab. My pay at the daily bugle doubled. If I keep this up, then I'll be CEO of the Bugle. So far, everything is turning out great for me.

For once.

But then came the thanksgiving parade that my dad and I went to. This parade was going to have the midtown high band performing. Gwen was going to be in it. I couldn't miss Gwen's performance. Even though she did play an instrument most hated, she was still my friend and she needed my support.

I didn't think I was going to be attacked. I didn't think I was a target for vengeance. I didn't think I would be a target for the one called...Venom.



There's a list of things we need to talk about. And I'm saying WE because of Symbi. Now here's the good news. Aunt May is well. Getting well at least. The bad-if not the worse news? "Augh!" We're fighting Eddie Brock. And we just crashed through a 15 story foot building. Now Eddie did give us a choice, either let us work together and destroy Harry and Norman Osborn, or he'll have to go through us to get to Har.

Guess what I chose? It's what got me crashing through a building. Eddie Brock, with the offspring of Symbi, became Venom and instead of fighting us [Cause he knew who we were] His main target was Osborn. The fake Norman and Harry. We couldn't stand by and allow Eddie to kill Harry and Chameleon. Maybe Chameleon. Not Harry. So We fought Eddie Brock and the offspring of Symbi. The results were as painful as the inflicting of pain from the opposite side of the fence. Thankfully We overpowered Eddie and Eddie was sent to the police to be locked up.

As for us? We failed to cook a thanksgiving meal. Which sucks because before I bonded with the Symbiote and before I woke up in the body of Peter Parker, I could have sworn I was an expert when it came to cooking. Apparently not.

Luckily we cleaned up just in time before Captain Stacy and Gwen arrived with fresh delicious thanksgiving food. It was truly yummy. After cleaning up and saying goodbye to Gwen and Mr. Stacy. After Gwen kissed us on the lips, "I like her" Symbi replied.

"Goodie," I replied now that we were in our room, "You'll be seeing her a lot more often."

"So what about the serum?" Symbi asked me, "Should we still use it just in case we face a foe that's worse than the foes we've already faced?" We thought about that. But given what happened earlier today, we figured that someone else was going to need this serum. And that someone was going to be Harry. The question to ask is, should we do that when Harry's life is going good for him for a change? But then if we didn't, who knows what troubles he'll face and who could out fight him even with his enhanced abilities.

We sighed, "I think Harry's going to need this more than us." I said to Symbi, "I'll make some changes to the serum so he won't feel too omnipotent. Who knows, maybe he'll become the next Spiderman."

"Isn't that what we are?" Symbi questioned

"I was just thinking about changing our hero's name." I told Symbi, "I was thinking about changing it into something more...Interesting. Amazing. Spectacular."

"We follow you," Sybmi replied, "So what name will you give us if not Spiderman?"

I pondered on it...Until... "How about...The Immortal Shadow Spider?"

"Shadow Spider..." Symbi liked that name, "We like that name. So give Harry the serum, but have it amplified, have him become a second Spider-man, while we become our own Hero with our own hero agenda. We like that Alex...We like that a lot." Symbi knows who I am because of reasons. So thus ends the rampage done by Eddie Brock, despite his reasons.

But just because someone is stopped for now...Doesn't mean they won't return. And when he does return...We...Will be ready for him.

For We, are Spider-man.

Not anymore.


We are the Immortal Shadow Spider. 

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