Peace Pt.2//PBomb

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A/N: Pt 2! Heyyy guys! My nose is raw at this point, I love being sick! least I didn’t have to go to school today :))

I think its going to be sad idk I haven’t written it yet

Trigger and Swearing warning

Liam’s POV:

I walked through the old mahogany doors of my house and plopped on the couch. A bad feeling had been surrounding me all day and now it was just getting worse. I hadn’t seen Parker at all today, not like I even talk to him after that time. That time when I fucked up.(U SALTY BRO??) My backpack dropped to the floor with a clunk as I walked over to our red couch and turned on the news. The instant it turned on, I was hooked. Because the headline was “Young Teen, Parker, Commits Suicide”

That was my Parker. My Parker.

I sat on the couch completely numb, I couldn’t even move.

Fuck. It was my fault. My fault that Parker had killed himself. My fault. And I hadn’t even kissed him goodbye, not that he would let you anyways you absolute dick.

When I could finally start moving, I ran to my room and pulled one of my drawers open. I grabbed the tiny box that contained my blades.

One slash.











Enough to die.

I want love, I want us, I want you, I want me, I want peace.



okay I know it still doesn’t relate to the song but just deal with it okay? and I know its really short, only like 100 words but whatever

I know there hasn’t been any dialogue at all but soon maybe idk Im too lazy too write dialogue you gotta start a new paragraph every time, thats too much work

Ive come to realize that I am absolute shit at writing in present tense wow cause I started this in present and then it just slowly became past tense

Uhhh tell me if you enjoyed or want more…


我爱你 <3

See ya!

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