Fighting For//Kiani

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A/N: :( ew bad mood at least I got a big blanket and coffee! and I know a lot of people write about what they're fighting about in this but it's actually really easy to write and I have absolutely nothing against ryan or anything, it's merely for the story

trigger warning

Will's POV:

We were fighting. Again. For the third time this month. This time, over how much he's changed.

I sat on the soft couch. Alone. Without Jordan. Because he was with Ryan. Again. Leaving me with Sam who's warm body cuddled against my cold one. The lights were off. It was gloomy.

The door burst open and an obviously drunk Jordan fell into the room, giggling uncontrollably about... how nice Ryan's lips tasted. I stretched my long legs and approached him. "How nice... Ryan's lips tasted?!" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah, like warm cinnamon."

"Why do you know what his lips taste like?!"

"I was kissing him. Obviously. And he's a much better kisser than you."

"Is that so?"

A giggle, "yep!"

"Then consider yourself single again, or at least, not my boyfriend anymore. Go be with

Ryan, since he's a much better kisser than I am"

Realization hit his eyes and his tone softened, "Oh... Will, no that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" The malice in my voice was undisguised.

"Okay yeah, I kissed Ryan, but I was drunk, we both were."

"Being drunk is not an excuse Jordan. Ryan has changed you too much. No." And I walked out the door.

Now, weeks later, I sit on my bed with all the lights off at 2 in the afternoon. Tears constantly streaming down my face. My nose raw from blowing my nose too many times. A blanket wrapped around my body, giving little comfort.

A knock resounds from my door and I jump in shock. I turn so my back faces the door, "Go away."

Jordan's POV:

A muffled "Go away." hits my ears as I lean on the door.

"Will, I'm sorry."


"I still love you. I will never stop loving you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not perfect. I'm sorry that I kissed Ryan. I'm so sorry." Tears begin to dampen my cheeks

The door opens. A teary-eyed Will stands there. "Are you really?"

"Yes. So much. I couldn't live without you. I don't even know why we fight so much."

He smiles. "Don't be worried when we fight Jor. Be worried when we stop because that means there's nothing left to fight for."

I launch myself at him and bury my face in his neck.

A/N: for some reason, I love writing in Will's POV, especially over Jordan's but idk maybe because I feel like Will's personality is closer to mine...

Uhhh tell me if you enjoyed or want more...

我爱你 <3

See ya!

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