1. The wolf that finds the bunny moon

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"There are so many stars around me and yet I feel so lonely."

The moon keeps wailing in the sky. The little bunny on the ground, with his long droopy ears feels sad about the moon's loneliness.

"Why don't you have a friend?" asks the floppy-eared bunny.

"Because no one wants to come and be with me." Replies the moon.

"I'll be your friend! We can be happy like this!" Exclaims the lop-eared bunny.

"Would you really do that, don't you have anyone to love you?"

The moon is shocked A bunny! The creature that everyone on earth loves is willing to move away to be her friend. To dwell in its orbit.

"There are so many people, but I feel so lonely... Until the night comes and we talk endlessly. You are, really, my only family Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"

The floppy-eared bunny stretches his little front paws toward the strong, white light that brings down the coppery color of his fur.

"If that's so I'll be the one to love you! Like no one ever has before."

The lop-eared bunny notices that, in the moon, his hops are bigger, his ears float and his now white fur fluffs up. He squawks and hops over the moon, the other animals watch him from afar. It becomes the theme of every night as the moon carried a bunny and even in her dark moments, she was never heard crying again.

Laughing non-stop for the little creature that never stops jumping and loving her.

He closes the hardcover book and looks at the cover. His huge eyes shining from the story he has read hundreds of times. He gets out of bed, fluffy tail wagging back and forth. He leaves the book on the bed and goes to the window. He can't reach it because of how short he's. He admires the moon in the sky. Round and white it illuminates slightly all around him.

"Moon, I want a bunny too. Why don't you give it to me? I promise I'll howl every night" He lays back his cheek. "And I'll draw you pretty pictures every day! Please... I don't want to be alone anymore."

The doggy squeal and floppy ears accompany the childish sobs. The door to the small room opens.

"Jungkook, hush. What did we say about being squeaky?"

Jungkookreturns to his bed, hiding between the sheets. His ears folded to his head and tail tucked between his legs. He hugs the book and the door is closed again. He turns on his flashlight to reread the little story: The Moon Bunny.

~ * * * ~

"Y-you promised me I could-"

"I can't broke the rules. Sorry Jimin, but that's the way things work."

He almost fell on his face from the pile of books in his arms. The door closes on his nose and the librarian walks away. Jimingives a disappointed sigh and starts walking through the huge university library to put the books in their place. He was tempted to keep one concerning realistic literature.

Jiminputs it in its place. He doesn't need any trouble. He pushes back his hair and places his long ear over his shoulder. Having droopy ears is not exactly functional. Especially his, which are fluffy and white fur. Being a mini-loop bunny beastman brings a thousand complications. From his stature, his ears are long downwards, he gets fluffy just breathing and he gets hungry every two minutes.

Jimingrabs his things and heads for the library exit, swipes his attendance card and exits. It's a dreary, gray day. The complete opposite of what someone who will be using public transportation needs. Jimingoes prancing about a few times, his ears bounce and his steamy, but dark and closed clothes lurch slightly.

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