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"I hope by this time you two already have in mind what should do" Namjoon gets into the car with Jimin to help him to be calm. He is still dazed and disoriented. Jimin barely knows who he is. His fever is very high and his system very weak. "It wasn't that complicated."

"Yes it is. You're only human, you wouldn't understand."

Jin gives a snort at Jungkook's accusation. Why deny that in part that's very true. On the other side of the issue:

"Do you know why bunnies are polygamous? Or they look for each other to be mates instead of being with other species" They both shake their heads. "Because they are not satisfied by one person."


"They're exaggeratedly sexual. They have too high a libido that no one matches except themselves" Jin lets out a light chuckle with his hands in his pockets. "Those who get it the most are big animals. Elephants, bears, sharks, things like that" he shrugs. "You guys couldn't handle him separately. It's too clear and proven."

"You weren't going to videotape us." retorts Taehyung.

"I didn't. I just watched on GPS of him... Anyway, I'm leaving. I have to take him to a doctor." announces Jin by way of farewell. Taehyung stops him.

"Why did Jimin get so upset? He was almost erratic today."

"Oh, that. It's because they're emotionally dependent: just like fairies, if you don't pay attention to them, they die of depression. This is why I say they are very fragile" Jin clarifies. "If you guys don't take it like Omega, the state is going to take it back and maybe put it to sleep. There are too many bunnies again. Before long there will be a purge to control the population."

"Makes it sound like you're talking about a stray dog." mutters Jungkook.

"What can I tell you. It's legally so."

Jin gets in the car and they drive off. They both give each other a wary look. It became a both or neither, unfortunately. They still have time to think about what exactly they want. Whether or not they will do it. Be willing for the one they love to love not just them individually. They are under no obligation whatsoever. They can perfectly leave it at that and maybe someone else will notice Jimin. Maybe someone who can satisfy him for a change.

~ * * * ~

"This better explain why he has an employment contract." comments Jin reading the news flooding Korea. It's all a huge mess for revealing that Jimin is the real perpetrator.

Jungkook didn't just say so. He attached as much evidence as possible without sounding like a conspirator. From his close relationship with Jimin to the notes he took on everything. Taking notebooks from him to take pictures of them was his hobby the entire time they dated. Not to mention he even recorded a couple of occasions where he talked about the characters, being an objective description of what he intended to prove with each one and how none were stereotypical of their kind in his eyes. It's charming.

It has become a debate. Those who don't want to believe that such works of art and thought that are even studied in college come from a bunny. The other side are those who simply begin to thank him for what he does and promise to support him as they have up to now, but giving him due recognition. A wave of drawings of him with the characters of his stories is added. From the Bunny Moon to the most popular ones he has.

In most of them they give Jimin gifts, hug him or sleep around him.

"Uh, look, in this one they are killing a snake." Jin laughs as he shows the fanart to Namjoon who laughs just the same. It's comical. It's the bear from the most recent novel.

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