2.2. Extravagant and successful, but lonely

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"Why so frustrated?"

"He's trying to get an Omega to answer him."

"Just that?"

"What Omega wouldn't want? Is he dumb?"

"He has a catwalk to attend and he hasn't dressed up."

"Ya! Quiet! I'm busy."

The eight enfiladed girls look at each other and then at the man on the office couch, trying to compose a message. One of many on the long record with refusals. Taehyung rolls his eyes and tousles his black and white hair with weariness. He's invited Jimin a hundred times and says he's busy. Taehyung doubts he is. Unless it's to take pictures for his profile. It took Jimin almost a month to accept his request, and the pictures are no wonder: they're provocative. You can't see Jimin face, but you can see his lips and droopy ears. In underwear, without underwear and only a choker. With plush dolls, in bed, he is a charmer who, for that time, knows he is nice and talkative.

I'd like to talk again.

And no, Taehyung doesn't get it.


"I know Momo I know! Jihyo, Momo, fix the clothes; Mina and Chaeyoung get the car ready; Olivia and Yerim call to let me know I'll be late; Chaewon and Jinsoul finish grooming Yeontan" All eight bow before leaving. Taehyung shudders, they are herons from the same flock, so they are usually like that. "He had collar, he's single why not a simple outing to the park?" Taehyung grumbles stressed out of the subject.

Taehyung averts his gaze to one of the shelves in his huge, extravagant office. The moon bunny story glistening there, noticeably worn for the time he has. He rests his cheek on his palm. A floppy-eared albino bunny who is only curious and not afraid, besides being kind. What more sign can he ask for to know that the moon gave him what he asked for? It's there, he just has to know how to approach to get it.

Simple and not bad: Taehyung wants a friend, a companion.

Taehyung gets up and puts down his cell phone. He meditates on possible ways to meet. He doubts that the books he has will help at all. They are all fantasy. From the same author of the story. Gives a snort. Why is having a damn coffee so complicated?

~ * * * ~

"You wanted to see me to pay me back for the clothes?"


Taehyung drops his head, what a disappointment. Jimin blinks repeatedly, his ears slightly raised and confused. Taehyung takes the bundle with cash. No way, he's not going to be that stubborn either, Jimin doesn't want to be left with that.

"While we're at it can we have coffee?" Jimin looks at his watch and nods. Taehyung considers himself victorious.

It's an afternoon of talking a lot. Jimin blurts out many witticisms, he has a fluent speech despite shyness. Jimin has a faint stench of another Alpha, but nothing noticeable and it may come from walking around. The necklace covering his neck shows that he is single and may try to woo you to be his Alpha. Finally have a moon bunny.

~ * * * ~

"You like to write things down."

"Nonsense from me," Jimin states nonchalantly. "You love to drink coffee."

"My cousins say I'm a defective orca for preferring the heat." replies Taehyung taking a sip. Jimin laughs softly, a piece of carrot cake beside him.

"They call me a cannibal because I like meat."

"You're beastman, not a plain bunny."

"Still, I put on a lot of weight. Actually, I should stop. I'm fat."

"I think you're fine like this Why be thinner?" replies Taehyung resting his chin on his palm. "You like to eat, eat; you exercise to burn what you need and stay at a good weight. You're cute like that."

Jimin reddens and lowers his gaze. Taehyung discovered something comical: Jimin can wiggle his ears quite a bit, not enough to raise them straight up, but enough to cover part of his face when he grieves.

~ * * * ~

"He's a... little curious."

"Do you like it?"

"S-something like that."

Jimin feels heated. Taehyung directed a commercial that's about his brand, but not only is he starring, it's too tantalizing how he executed it, slowly pulling a clip out of his mouth.

"Orcas are usually reserved, that's why I don't fit in with them" Taehyung announces reaching into his coat, his black and white hair combed back with gel. "I brought you this."

"Another gift today." mutters Jimin taking the bag. It's a large sweater with an illustration that catches his eye, but he doesn't say anything about it.

~ * * * ~

Taehyung pulls his head out of the water and leans against the edge of the pool, gets licks from his dog. He hasn't had many opportunities to see Jimin. He says not all the time even though seeing each other, his stench shows enthusiasm. Taehyung must give him his space. It might scare him. Water comes out of huge openings in his neck. It doesn't have a single hole like orcas, it looks more like the gills of a shark.

Taehyung sits on the edge and looks at the waning moon. He pouts.

"This is a test, isn't it? To find out if I deserve your bunny. How cruel."

Yeontan jumps into the pool and swims. Taehyung watches him to pull him out when he gets tired. The dog's splashing makes noise in the huge mansion. It is lonely. He's used to the big spaces, but not its silence. Taehyung would like to invite Jimin, he could make noise with his voice and his innate ability to generate different, almost imperceptible noises.

Which, for an orca, they all are.

The different frequencies that line his ears. He likes the way Jimin sounds. He likes the way Omega smells. He likes the way the bunny looks. It's a mix. He looks back, the house with the lights off looks depressing. He made it with all his hard work as a designer, secretly dabbling in music, modeling and acting from time to time.

So many things to do, so many people circulating, so much success despite the doubt his family had about it, and yet it's so lonely. So... unsatisfying. Taehyung picks up Yeontan and pets him for a while.

~ * * * ~

"Why another pet sir?" asks Olivia.

"We thought you were pleased with your dog." says Momo.

"It's okay, I just wanted another companion."

Taehyung pats the mini lop bunnyt's head. It's shy, a ball of fur that fits in one of her hands. He gives a chuckle, considering that maybe he should first know how to care for and treat a bunny before he risks something as dangerous as tagging one. It could end up doing harm and that's not the point! He gives her a kiss on the head, between her ears. Taehyung feels his little heart in turmoil. It's extremely tender.

. . .

Scroll down in the posts that are on Instagram, most point to the photo he uploaded. Saying how cute he looks with his new pet. Wondering if the message got through.

~ * * * ~

Jimin covers his face with his hands and of even horrible screeching in his room. Taehyung is the most brazen, indiscreet and shameless thing he could ever meet. He thought he fancied buying a bunny just because. Who says it can't be like that? NO! THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PICTURE HIT HIM WITH REALITY!

thev: Rabbits are such good companions that I looked for one. Shy, embarrassed, writes a lot and makes such a cute noise. Maybe this one will agree to go for a coffee ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Isn't he cute? It makes you want to kiss his ears all day long.

"IDIOT!" Jimin squeals with his face in his pillow.

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