12.2. Welcome and congratulations

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"I would like the stars to appear to move. A kind of awkward transition."

"As if they appear and disappear."



Jimin leans back from Jungkook. The wolf wanted to try doing animations and what better than The Moon Bunny for that? Having Jimin as a supervisor, it's much more natural and comfortable. The bunny presses his forehead against Jungkook's shoulder, giving a muffled whimper.

"Are you feeling contractions again?" Jimin nods, sobbing. "Taehyung is on his way. We'll go home soon" Jungkook kisses him on the head. Jungkook can't take him on a motorcycle, so Taehyung is in charge of transportation. "Mayb- HIII! YOOOONGIIIIIIII! HOSEOKK! WHOEVER HELPS ME!"

The pair arrives in a hurry, followed by the five musicians. Hoseok picks up Jungkook's cell phone to call Taehyung. Jimin won't stop whining and is releasing clear liquid. Hoseok moves the cell phone away from his ear because of Taehyung's horrible screeching on the other end of the line.

"I have car" warns Hoseok covering the cell phone with one hand. "Let's get him to the hospital fast. Lest he's really going to give birth already."

Jungkook carries it as best he can and with as much haste as possible they take the way to the hospital.

~ * * * ~

♪That faint voice of yours that grazed me

Please call my name one more time
I'm standing still under the frozen light, but
I will walk towards you, step by step
Still with you♪

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut before opening them, lifts one of his ears, listening better to the soft cooing made to his right. He sighs sleepily, Jungkook is carrying something wrapped in a very thick sheet.

♪A pitch dark room I shouldn't get used to it
But I'm used to it again♪

He takes a deep breath, feeling like falling asleep. Jungkook has such a sweet, harmonious voice.

♪The low-pitched sound of the air conditioner
If I don't have this, I might just fall apart
We laugh together, we cry together
These simple feelings were everything I had♪

Jungkook kisses the little bundle in his arms and smiles, wrinkling the nose at Jimin's awakening. He gets up to go to the bunny who is barely staying conscious. Jimin receives what Jungkook holds out: a baby wolf with tiny ears, pink skin and just a thin layer of white fur.

The baby whimpers doggishly. Jungkook sits down and strokes its head.

♪When will it be? If I see you again
I will look into your eyes and say, "I missed you"♪

"He likes to listen to you, it seems.

"The nurses are fed up with him. He starts squealing and howling and wakes up the other babies," laughs Jungkook chagrined. "He's very cute Just like you!" purrs Jimin pulling the baby closer to her face. His nose is a little big, his eyes are closed and his skin is flushed. "You were asleep for a long time because of the birth. You were tired. It's been two days."

"This tiny little thing?"

"No. Not just that tiny little thing."

Jungkook points to the side and Jimin sees two more cribs where there are babies, but he can't make out much of them. He also notices that Taehyung is asleep on the sofa. He hadn't noticed, it's three in the morning.

"I took the night shift, he does it during the day," Jungkook explains. "Those two little things over there screech horribly. They're going to break my eardrums."

"Are they...?"


Taehyung flops sideways on the couch and doesn't move.

"They don't have any hair yet, but I hope they're not the same. It looks like they're twins. A girl and a boy."


"Are you sleepy?"

"A... little."

"Sleep more. We're here after all."

~ * * * ~

"I knew it would be more than two."

"Then why didn't you set everything up from before if you're such a fortune teller?"


"See? You don't know. Be quiet and finish putting that in."

Jimin purses his lips to keep from laughing. Jungkook has become adept at leaving Taehyung with the word in his mouth. Being out of the hospital and at home, they have a flood of gifts, even from Jin who congratulated them -although he seems to congratulate for a wedding judging by the card's paper-, also the problem that they only set up a crib and although two babies fit, they are going to grow up fast. It is urgent that they have their space. Jimin has the wolf, Wooyoung, on his back.

He is too whiny and gets desperate if he is not being held. His ears are already covered with white fluff and his hair is growing in the same way. He peeks out to check on the two orcas, Gahyeon and Byeongkwan. From the looks of it, they will have hair just as spread out as Taehyung. Jimin loves that they have white spotted eyelids with a slight fade to black.

They are like Taehyung, but not at the same time.

"Now... What's going to happen?" asks Jimin.

The two stop to look at him.

"I already had the babies and I don't... I don't understand what's next."

Taehyung makes him put Wooyoung in the crib with the other two. Even at the cost of waking them up. Taehyung takes him by the face and gives him several kisses on his face, Jimin listens to that frequency of Taehyung. So tender and melodious that it surprises him that no one else hears it.

"What's not obvious? We're going to continue as we are. Nothing needs to change."

"But... but..."

"What are you so afraid of?"

"This isn't real. This was just for-"

"It's because of you. Why can't you understand that we want to make you happy?" questions Jungkook between sad and irritated. Jimin bites his lips and lowers his gaze.

"I don't deserve all this." Jimin covers with his hands and then, his ears. "It's what I wanted, but I don't deserve it."

"Sure you do," Taehyung pulls his ears away and Jungkook tugs on his arms. "You deserve this and much more, you must first learn to see it."

Jungkook sniffs him on the neck and Taehyung approaches him directly. They both open their mouths and bite the white flesh, reaching the gland on the nape of his neck that makes him mark. Jimin gives a gasp, with a huge shiver up and down his spine. Jungkook sinks his fangs deeper and Taehyung holds him so he doesn't fall.

"Let's start because you're not going anywhere."

"Because we're your Alphas."

They both rub their cheeks against his. Taehyung on the right, Jungkook on the left. Jimin whimpers. Again they say it like this. "His Alphas," not "our Omega". Implying that the one who surrenders, it is them and not the other way around. Although for Taehyung and Jungkook it can't be otherwise. Jimin has already given too many gifts: the three babies, his books, his entire existence. It's time for him to be the one to receive something.

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