EPISODE 2 - Scene 1 - Burning Fire

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(Opening titles)

Back on the Morok ship, Ten and Bal keep control of the ship as it leaves the Earth.


Co-ordinates to Xeros in place. Returning back home.


I will report to our Chief Governor of the excellent news.

He heads to the door to where the Chief Governor is inside. Moid almost reaches it, but the entrance opens to reveal the Chief Governor himself exiting out. It was none other than the Master, as he already so described.


Excellent news, I hear? We have what we came for?


Yes, Chief Governor.


Splendid. We will return to the home planet and begin the next phase of the operation.

The engines of the ship make a powerful accelerating noise, and we see the glass cases of the Brigadier and the other members of UNIT on the monitor. The Master sees this from the other side of the control room and smiles handsomely. The ship was leaving. Back in the forest, the fire encompasses a large radius of the entire stretch of tree land. The shack begins to burn, as smoke pours into the room where the Doctor and Jo try to escape from. They are now both coughing from it. Wood topples in from the roof, with fiery chunks left on the ground.


Jo, look!

The forest scorches from the fire. Now, the Doctor and Jo head over to the burning wood and carefully place the rope that ties them into the flame. They are freed! Jo begins choking in the flames and begins losing consciousness.


Doctor... I, I can't...


Jo, you must try and breathe gently. Inhale through a tissue. Jo? Jo?

Jo had passed out, and the Doctor picked her up and carried her in his arms. The Doctor begins choking too and makes it for the door. He pushes it open and sees the burning flames around him. The Doctor keeps coughing, and we then zoom in towards the crackling fire from the view of the shack. Quickly, the Doctor slams the door shut to keep the fumes out as best he can. He places Jo on the ground carefully and takes out a remote control box from his pocket. It was the remote control console to Bessie. He presses two buttons on the device and a white light flashes. Bessie remained parked at the bridge when the Doctor activates his car. The engine starts, and then swiftly heads down the lane and gains speed. The Superdrive switch is activated for the car to quickly come and pick them up.

The shack now catches fire. Some flames burn on the other side of the wall whilst the toxic smoke pours in. The horn sounds loud, meaning Bessie had arrived. The Doctor then grabs Jo, runs outside and places her in the car. Bessie is situated between the safe space between burning flames and the shack. Jo is put in the passenger seat, and the Doctor jumps into the car and quickly starts her up again. Behind them, the fire keeps feeding off the wood. The Doctor uses the Superdrive to accelerate through the flames. It runs through it, just in time before the shack is then burning down in the blaze. Once Bessie is more than a safe distance away, the Doctor stops the car and looks back behind him. We see the fire keep raging through.


One tiny cigar is enough to send an entire forest into an infernal firestorm.

Jo begins coughing, wheezing for air. The Doctor tries to calm her down.

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