Scene 6 - Sorted?

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The TARDIS is back at UNIT HQ in the Doctor's lab. The troops have left, and the Doctor, Jo, and the UNIT superiors are left inside.

Corporal Bell:

Well, we're back.

Sergeant Benton:

Thank goodness.


You all take it easy. Leave Jo and I to do the dirty work.


I'm afraid we will have some dirty work ourselves. We have to explain what's been happening. And take care of our prisoner.


I would like to see that he is in your perfectly safe hands, Brigadier.


Very well. But at least we have sorted out that Dalek.

In a desolate warehouse located somewhere in North West London, we hear the sound of a materialization and thundering crash afterwards. A tradesman is busy working in the warehouse and is intrigued by whatever is happening. More rustling and crashing sounds are made. He creeps forward with a large pipe he carries in case he needs to defend himself. More rustling from the mess of storage jumps him. The warehouse falls silent before he comes closer, and closer, and closer. We keep the camera zoomed on him until we see a blast exterminate him! Back at UNIT HQ, we see the Master being shown into a small cell by Sergeant Benton, who holds the door open to him. All that is inside is a simple grey desk and a hardened bench to sleep on.


Back to my old cell then?

Sergeant Benton:

It's more than you deserve. The men have orders to shoot to kill if they see you out of here. So don't try it.

Benton slams the cell door shut, and the Master begins laughing. In the lab, the Doctor comes out from the TARDIS to Jo. The Brigadier arrives in.


Well Doctor, if you wish to see the Master in his cell, then...


Brigadier, Jo, I regret to tell you that our space time coordinates have been followed. Something has arrived from Xeros to Earth.


It couldn't be...


What else? There was time travel technology back there. Brigadier, I shall need to acquire some of your maps again. We look as though we are in some serious trouble.

The UNIT forces drive up towards the nearby warehouse, keeping a safe distance from it. The trucks stop, and the platoon jumps out. Explosives and other heavy-duty weaponry are loaded out quickly. The Doctor and Jo in Bessie arrive to meet the Brigadier. Sergeant Benton and Corporal Bell help to distribute the troops, the Doctor and Jo meet with the Brigadier.


How do we know it's still in there?


I don't. But we will know soon enough.


Well high explosives should take care of the trick this time.


Hopefully. Although I highly object to the use of violent war tactics, I do still think the military comes in handy from time to time.


Thank you, Doctor. Right, take cover!

Everyone takes cover behind the cars, trucks, and walls. Corporal Bell holds her grey portable radio.

Corporal Bell:

Sir, the evacuation is still undergoing. The immediate area Ruislip is going to slowly. Martial law will be declared by the minister.


By that time Corporal, it may be a little too late. But to see if the Dalek is in there... Sergeant Benton! Grenade!

Sergeant Benton:

Yes, sir!

Whilst the troops prepare their ammunition, the Doctor takes his Sonic Screwdriver and prepares to activate it if needs be. Jo takes the portable ECT machine. When Benton's grenade detonates, a small explosion outside the warehouse goes off. BANG! A much larger explosion suddenly goes off unexpectedly. KABOOM! The Dalek emerges from the fire and inferno!



The troops fire, and throw explosives at the Dalek but it keeps coming forward. The Doctor activates the Sonic, and Jo uses her device against the Dalek.



The Dalek fires! Troops are exterminated, and firepower from rockets miss the Dalek.


Retreat! Retreat!

All of them dash out of the way. Some more troops are killed by the Dalek as they all escape away...

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