Title: hot chocolate
The snowball hit you square in the face, after a few seconds Kuroko's melodic laugh followed.
'KAGAMI TAIGA I SWEAR TO GO-' he hit you in the face. Again.
Kuroko was practically dying with laughter, as annoyed as you were, seeing him laugh was one of your guilty pleasures.You, unlike kuroko, have a huge presence meaning it would be impossible to sneak up on Kagami so you'd have to divise a plan of action to get him back-
While you were in the midst of your internal monologue, your loving friend had disappeared, Kagami gave a choked scream as snow slid down his back and in his mouth making you burst out laughing, you look above him and there was kuroko. He was settled on the top of the slide while kagami had stood right below it which unfortunately for him meant Kuroko had the advantage.
While you were laughing he managed to get down right beside you.
'GAH KUROKO! W-WHERE DID YOU-' you took a second to recover then looked up to see Kuroko's small smile.
'You look cold, would you like to go inside for a bit?' Kuroko asked and you nodded then turned to the rest of serin.
'OI! Me and Kuroko are going in for a bit!' You shout, Riko gives you a thumbs up and you take Kuroko's had and run back to your house.Because of the snow everyone had decided to gather at your's since you had a park right in front of your house including a basketball court.
As you ran the snow began to fall again, mesmorised by it you came to a stop and looked up at the sky in wonder...while Kuroko looked at you.
'You...you look beautiful' Kuroko said suddenly.
'Tetsuya...that's so sweet!' You smile while inside your heart was doing backflips.
You both went back inside and you sat down blowing on your fingers, trying to warm them up.
Kuroko set down two hot chocolates, you wrapped your cold fingers around it and took a sip, the richness surprised you.
'Wow, when did you learn to make hot chocolates like this?' You asked.
'Kagami taught me' Kuroko replied before getting up again.
See the thing was, you liked kuroko. No you loved him. But he didn't like you back, or if he did he showed no signs of liking you back.(Kagami knew both of your feelings and believed that you were both idiots.)
You were annoyed by those sudden thoughts of him never liking you back and slammed your head on the table.
Why did your thoughts have to ruin a perfect day? You slammed your head again but this time your head didn't connect with the table, instead it connected with Kuroko's hand.
'Kuroko i...um well...' you stuttered wanting to jump off of a cliff after doing something so embarrassing.
'Please stop, your going to hurt youself' he whispers.
You don't reply since you couldn't think of anything good enough to get you out of this situation.
You turn away and take another sip of your hot chocolate.A/n: I should just stop lmao this is so awkward i can't...
'Well this is embarrassing' you mutter. You turn back to face him once you were sure your blush was gone.
'Why...why were you-'
'I was just trying to forget something. I didn't want to ruin everyone's mood with my stupid thoughts' you say, interrupting him, deciding that telling the truth was better than nothing.
Suddenly you felt his soft lips on yours, your eyes widened as he sat back down.
'Why, i...i...you-'
'Did you forget? Or would you like me to do that again?' Kuroko asked.
'I...i forgot...but i'd still like you to do that again' you reply, a blush dusting both of your faces.He leaned in an kissed you again.
'Y/n...i didn't have the courage to tell you before but i like you. I like you a lot, would you be my girlfriend?' He asked, his face just inches away from yours.
You squeal with delight, launching yourself into his arms.
'Yes! Yes! Yes!' You repeat.'Jeez, it's not like he's proposing' Kagami sayd as he snatched the rest of your hot chocolate.
'Yeah well maybe you should grow a pair and ask out (girl's name)' you snap back.
'I swear to God Y/n-' He starts but he looks at his partner who was besides himself with joy and decides to drop it. He could get you back for that later.'Come on Tetsuya! I want to go outside!'
You drag Kuroko out with you and he laughs, your grin widens at the sound...but then your hit with another snowball.'KAGAMI I WILL BURY YOU' You scream then turned to Kuroko giving him a peck then turning back to Kagami with a murderous gaze.
'Jeez this girl has an insane duality-' Kagami said (famous last words)'It took them long enough' Riko said to hyuga.
'they're cute together...shouldn't you stop Y/n before she actually murders Kagami?' He asks, slightly worried.
'Nah. He deserves it. He insulted my cooking.'
Hyuga takes a subtle step away knowing damn well he was with Kagami when he insulted her cooking.Ngl this kind of sucked but I'm sure it's actually fine.... I hope
But we move
Tally ho

Kuroko no basket oneshots
Fanfictionvarious characters x reader The title kinda just explains it all Feel free to request anything :) My updates are really random and i hope you enjoyyyy If you know me in real life, no you don't. Keep scrolling<3