Title: team player
You hated him with your whole heart.
He shouldn't have started it.
It was his fault.
Luckily for you, you didn't see him that much anymore since you'd recently rejoined the badminton team.
He was still your academic rival though so there was only so far you could go without seeing him.He has a very very punchable face.
You yourself were very surprised that he became your rival, you thought that he was just good at basketball and yet here you were, struggling to secure the top place.
"How can someone look so dumb but be so smart?" You mumble to yourself
"Hmm he looks more handsome than dumb..." Your friend said dreamily.
You shoot her a glare before going back to your textbook, you were determined to get full marks this time, personally, studying was not your thing. You did it to please your parents however. This infuriating, nagging person butted into the wrong conversation. Not only was he annoying but Kise acted so arrogantly as if he was better than you, you weren't having it and scored just above him in the next test just to prove a point...and to please your parents who were becoming more and more of a problem."Y/n! Studying hard I see!" Kise exclaims while sitting himself next to you.
"Get out."
You turn to him "Did you not hear me?"
"I did, I'm just not listening"
You roll your eyes and continue your work while Kise's presence was getting more and more annoying.
"Alright. What do you want." You say finally, turning around.
He stares at you innocently for a second...
"The top place"
He then turned back around leaving you fuming, you knew that you were definitely blowing up the situation more than needs be but who could blame you?
"Oh! Y/n! I forgot to give you these, you left it in the changing rooms the other day" F/n have you back the knee brace that you'd thought you had lost.
"Thank you, I honestly thought I lost it" you say with a smile.
After slipping it on you finished the page of work and headed to practice.
Your parents wanted you to quit permanently after your accident but you were determined to play as it was your only escape.You enjoyed it, you were good at it.
Only your parents didn't see that at all, all they saw were your high grades that weren't good enough. 'Try your best' they'd say
'as long as you pass' they'd say but in the end they never stayed true to those words.
It was always 'why didn't you try your best?' or 'surely you could have done better than that?' it got worse after you had to quit badminton however now you had grabbed on to that but of hope and you sure as hell wasn't going to let go.You swung your racket repeatedly, trying to perfect your swing. They girls around you did similarly until coach called for a game or too.
Throughout your game, you were unaware of your secret admirer...Who could it be? :O
The moment you get home, you go straight to your room to avoid confrontation, again you begin working on a new set of problems, curtisy of your maths teacher. Half way through you got a text.
Kise: Y/n?? Could you help me on this one?? Please??
Y/n: No X
Kise: PLEASE?? I promise I'll buy you you're favourite food after practice tomorrow?
Y/n: fine.
The next day
"Y/n! Thank you sooo much for your help yesterday!"
Your friend have you the side eye "helping the enemy are we?" She whispers, you shove her away before replying to Kiss
"You better keep your end of the bargain."
"Of course, meet me outside the first gym when you're done"
You went through your day with anticipation, you did everything with a little bit of extra effort and even went to the gym earlier to meet him.
As you stood, you got a call.
"Y/n? Honey, we got your marks back from your midterm exams...could you explain to us how your grades have gotten so low?"
You grit your teeth and clenched your fists letting anger pass through you for a moment
"Mum, it was only by two marks. It wasn't that big of a deal, I can get them back in my upcoming exams an-"
"Yes but that's not good enough. You should be getting better not getting worse. Are you sure you're trying your best? Listen sweetie we only want the best for you and your future and we-"
"Listen mum. I will, I promise but I'm just really stressed at the moment and i-"
"Then quit badminton."
"Then you don't have any excuse. Oh and please invite Kise round for dinner sometime, it's been a while."
"Bye mum"
"Bye sweetie, love you"
"You too"
After hanging up you shove your phone into your pocket and bite the inside of your cheek to stop from lashing out in the middle of school.
"Are you alright?"
You turn to see Kise, looking at you with concern and you take a deep breath then nod.
"Yep! I'm fine"
"Was it your mum?"
"None of your business."
"Listen Y/n, I know it may not help but try to block out what she says, only you know how hard you're trying so don't let someone who knows nothing talk you down."
"Thanks Kise...could we go now?"
You and Kiss enjoyed your evening, you caught up and laughed over silly things and ate as much of your favourite food as Kise's money would allow, on the way back home, your knee began to ache but instead of resting, Kise simply sweeped you up in his arms and kept going."Why have you been so distant with me lately?" He ask suddenly.
You hesitated.
"You ate the last doughnut with red, white and blue sprinkles."
Sorry for not updating for so long! I honestly just couldn't be bothered
But I hope you enjoyed.What's your favourite food?
Do you have any suggestions?
Tally ho

Kuroko no basket oneshots
Fanfictionvarious characters x reader The title kinda just explains it all Feel free to request anything :) My updates are really random and i hope you enjoyyyy If you know me in real life, no you don't. Keep scrolling<3