Title: help
(Bf/n= boyfriend's name)
You sit in the bathroom waiting for your parents to finish arguing, your dad was out drunk again and your mum was at her 'friends' house.
Your phone goes of and you see it's a message from your 'boyfriend' you didn't like him at all, he was to similar to your dad and you liked someone else, he'd pressured you into the relationship and before you knew it you had no freedom.
The only thing you were still allowed to do was be Serin's manager.
Suddenly eveeything was quiet and you were on high alert, you left the bathroom slowly and began to crawl up the stairs...
'Where do you think your going?'
Your body froze as you whipped around to see your father with a bottle...
'D...dad... I-i was going to my room' you stutter
'Why are you crawling. Did you know what your mother was doing? Were you keeping it a secret to?' He snarls, you were shaking all over wondering what on earth you'd done to deserve this sort of life.
'No! I didn't i just didn't want to-'
'DON'T LIE TO ME' Your Father shouted, he leapt forward pulling you by the hair and you roll down the stairs.
'That's going to leave a mark' you mumble, you see his hand in front of your face and recoil.
Your father scoffs and takes a swig out of his bottle.
'Bf/n is picking you up in the morning.' He states before leaving.
Great. Just great.End of next day
Bf/n pulls you roughly by the arm making you wince,
'I have to go to basketba-'
'Hurry up, you're so damned slow' he hisses and pulls you again making you stumble.
'Oi. Your hurting her' you turn to see Kagami marching towards the two of you.
Bf/n let go of your wrist and smiled innocently...
'Ah Gomen! I didn't realise' he said in that innocent voice that made you want to strangle him.
Once he had left Kagami walked you to the gym, he kept glancing at you trying to see if you were alright...
'Kagami...i want to break up with him. But i don't think i can'
Kagami was caught off guard by your sudden confession and became increasingly worried.
'Why not? Just tell him, he's bound to understand'
You shake your head knowing damn well what would happen if you broke up with him.
'Oh he won't let me if i do' you blurt out before realizing you'd said to much, Kagami came to an abrupt stop and stared at you.
'Forget that' you mumble and kept walking, Kagami grabbed your hand gently so he wouldn't hurt you (he saw the bruises on your wrist caused by bf/n).
'Y/n, if this is an abusive or toxic relationship you need to get out of it as quickly as possible. I know it seems hard but i promise you I'll be there to help' Kagami looked so sincere in that moment you were tempted to take up his offer but you didn't want to drag him into this.
'Kagami...thank you but it's not like that, our relationship is perfectly healthy' you lie, he stares at you, obviously not believing you but sighs.
'My bad. I read the situation wrong'
You both walk the rest of the way in silence.
During practice you marvel at Kagami's increasing strength and how everyone was working even better as a team.
You show them a new attack strategy and as per usual they execute it perfectly, you had hope that they'd be able to defeat every team they come across...
'Is y/n still here? It is pretty late!' You hear the threat laced within the words and anxiety rips through your stomach, you see yoyr boyfriend's eyes stare into yours...
'I-I'll be out soon, no need to wait' you reply
'Oh don't worry. I'll wait for you' and with that he left the gym, you were distracted for the rest of practice, you were wondering if there was a way to avoid him without getting his consequences.
Yoy leap out of your seat choking on your scream.
'K-kagami...don't do that...i nearly had a heart attack' you took a deep breath before raising your head 'About earlier...i'd really like your help' you whisper, no longer able to look him in the eye, you let your head drop.
His fingers slid under your chin, raising it gentley before smiling.
He took your hand and marched out the gym towards your boyfriend.
'bf/n. I'm breaking up with you'
'No your not'
'Yes she is.' Kagami stepped in, 'deal with it. If you so much as look her way i will kill you.'
Bf/n laughs.
'It's not me you have to worry about, i couldn't care less! It's her parents you should watch out for' he says, he looks back at you one last time before leaving.This is begining to make no sense to me so good for you guys if you know what's going on.
'What does he mean?' Kagami asks and you look away once again.
'My parents...Well it's not that interesting, my dad drinks my mum cheats' you shrug as if it was no big deal when in reality you were sick of it.
'Y/n...you're staying with me from now on.' You look up in surprise.
'No don't do that! I don't want to be a burden!' You yelp but he laughs softly and takes your hand again.'Your not a burden. You never were and you never will be'
I gave up with this one
I literally pulled this out of my ass at 12:06
I'll probably redo this one but hope it's okay for now
Tally ho

Kuroko no basket oneshots
Fanfictionvarious characters x reader The title kinda just explains it all Feel free to request anything :) My updates are really random and i hope you enjoyyyy If you know me in real life, no you don't. Keep scrolling<3