Himuro Tatsuya

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Title: misunderstandings

O/n= other names
You skipped happily down the halls back to your class, you were coming back from a meeting with your basketball team and since you were the star player your coach decided you should be the captain. You were only in your first year and you were a little worried that the team wouldn't accept you...they had been a little distant lately...

It was lunch and you usually eat in your classroom as it's usually empty, it's the only time you get some quiet.
Your boyfriend Himuro Tatsuya usually comes to sit with you...only not today.
'Maybe he's at practice?' You wonder.
You realise that you'd left your lunch with Tatsuya and ran to find him.
You couldn't wait to tell him that you had become captain, you made your way to the gym to find Murasakibara lying down on the floor...
'Mura...kun?' You ask, he lifts his head.
'Y/n-chin? Ah, if your looking for Tatsuya he's gone to change'
You thank Murasakibara and run towards the changing rooms, since you shared a house you barged in thinking that he wouldn't mind-

He was shirtless...against a wall...with a girl...
'Y/n!' He stutters out, the girl turns to you and you recogniae her from Your class.
'Is that your girlfriend?' She asks.
'Not anymore' you snap, you walk right past them and grab his bag.
'Y/n please-'
'Don't mind me! Just grabbing this!' You interupt then take your bento with you.
You find a quiet place to sit before you let your tears flow, you couldn't believe he'd do something like that-
'Y/N! Please, i know your hurt but let me explai-'
'Don't worry Tatsuya, I'm not hurt. I would be...if i cared' and with that you left for your next class.
You went through the day mindlessly, only looking forward to Your basketball practice.
When the time finally came you changed amd warmed up with a smile.
'Is everyone ready?' You ask but your met with stony silence.
'Um y/n...we all wanted to speak to you...about your position as captain.' A second year, Nezu tells you.
'S-senpai... I-'
'It's not that your not capable it's just that we've found someone else who's more fit for the position' she says
'O-oh...alright! It's fine! Who is it?' You ask but then frown when you see the same girl who was kissing Tatsuya...
'Hi! I'm Mai! It's nice to meet you again!' She says, you don't reply.
Instead you get on with practice and avoid her like the plague.
'Alright everyone!' Mai shouts 'I want y/n, Nezu and o/n to quit. I don't think yoyr fit to be in this team.' She states leaving you all stunned 'i want you gone now.'
You leave the gym stunned, not even bothering to change, you grab your bag and turn to go.
'Y/n-chan...gomen' Nezu apologises, she bows then leaves.
You walk home stunned. This perfect day had...it had gone terribly wrong.
You got home and shoved all of Tatsuya's stuff in a box then left it just outside the door, you sit on the floor of your shared room wondering what to do...about half an hour later there was a knocking at the door...
'Y/N! Y/N PLEASE! Let me explain!' Tatsuya banged on the door, him being here made you feel even worse, you had tried to act tough and as if you didn't care when in reality your heart was shattering, yoy felt tears sting your eyes once more.

Should i open the door...?

I apologise?
No i don't lmao
got to have some angst in this series
Tally ho

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