sitting on his lap in an interview

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The interviewer conveniently didn't have enough seats meaning you'd have to sit on his lap...

He would make sure you're comfortable, he'd probably have his arm around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder.
He'd glance at you occasionally and of he was feeling really bold he'd kiss your neck or cheek.

Kagami would act like he couldn't care less but he's actually overjoyed, he'd eventually give in to his joy and just wrap his arms around you affectionately through the rest of the interview then act oblvious when his teammate tease him about it later...

You'd have to sit on one of his knees because he's so bloody big, he'd be scared that you might fall and pull you a little closer so he'd be able to eat his snacks and take care of you at the same time. He'd become attached to the fact that you were close to him and he'd probably carried you everywhere for the next few days and cuddled whenever he could.

He'd sit up straight as a board with a permanant blush on his cheeks, He'd sit with his legs glued together hoping that you're not uncomfortable and he wouldn't touch you unless he was really bold and even then he'd probably just rest his hands on your hips in a subtle way.
He would relax a bit as the interview goes on and wrap and arm around you affectionately then actively deny his feelings whenever Takao bombards him with questions but he actually thinks the world of you.

Kise literally does not care about appearances and would hug you to him the entire time occasionally kissing your neck and snuggling up to you, he'd show you off to his fangirls and the camera and talk about how much he loves you then when the interview is over he'll do that dramatic lean in for a kiss, his arm supporting you so you don't fall then sweep you off your feet and carry you off stage giggling like a little kid.

He'd sit you sideways across his lap and have one hand supporting your back and the other resting on your knees, basically he's subtly telling you that he'll do whatever you want and that 'every queen needs a throne' aka he's your seat.
Akashi will breeze through the interview looking effortlessly cool with his empress on his lap, if he's feeling it he'll kiss your cheek at the end and hold your hand as you exit the stage internally he's freaking out cause he's never had that opportunity and he's really happy that he looked cool in front of you then he composes himself and takes you home and plans a wedding in his head or he'll just think about this moment for the rest of his life.

(I don't care what y'all think but i feel like this is an Akashi thing to do, like he'll act all cool outside and inside he's a little kid, that makes sense to me since you see he never really had a childhood since his father made him work and unlike other fanfics i think he'd actually be real sweet like he's not going to order you around unless he's on the court or you've angered him Or mocked his height...or in the bedroom anyways...)

Aomine would smirk and have his legs spread so you'd have to sit on one knee sideways, he'll have an arm draped around your waist and the other hung on the back of the chair. He'd keep glancing at you and send you seductive smirks making you blush, he'd suddenly lift you up and close his legs, sitting you on his lap so that your facing him and wrap his arms around you urging you not to move.
You'll probably be wondering why he's done something so abrupt and then you realise...

He's hiding his boner.

He'd smirk in your ear and continue the interview like normal and you hide your face in his shoulder awkwardly and at the end of the interview he'll pick you up and carry you back home then say something like
'Thanks babe, owe you one' with his signature smirk.

He'll be sweet about it and have his giant hand resting on your knees or he'll completely miss the point and let you sit on the seat and he'd stand or sit on the floor.

He'd have his legs together but have you sat so that your legs were hanging either side of his, he'd act as if he's not doing anything and answer questions normally but his hands would rest dangerously close to your inner thighs, he'd occasionally stroke down your leg or stroke inbetween your legs subtley making you squirm a little, he'd probably nip your neck/ear from time to time if the opportunity presents itself then after the interview he'd act like nothing happen. Of course you'd give him hell and he'd mutter an apology and then smirk like he's had a brilliant idea....

This man would have you on his lap making sure everyone knows your his, he wouldn't touch you and sit back with his hands resting on the back of his head, smirking, he'll stare at you obviously and near the end of the interview he'll pull you really close just to emphasize the point that you're his and no one else's.

Himuro would seem very polite giving the interviewer innocent smiles while having you placed on his lap facing him, he'd run his hand up and down your spine gently in a teasing manner and his hand would go down dangerously low...
Or He'd just scooch over and you'd share the seat and he'd wrap his arm around you protectivly.

This man is an evil genius.
He'll either be polite and gentle or he'll secretly torment you and make you wait the entire day before giving you what you want.
He'd probably sit you at the very end of his knee, knowing that he could put pressure on a certain part of your body...
( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
Then at the end of the interview he'd give you a knowing look and leave.

Might do a part 2 if i remember other characters :)
I'll be doing a few more like once in a while becaise why not
Hope you enjoyeddd
Tally ho

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