Kyoshi Teppei

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Title: you promised

T/n= team name
Your boyfriend envelopes you into his arms before leaving for his game.
'Teppei really does give the best hugs...' You thought, he kissed you on the forhead and left.
He was leaving earlier to practice, you'd come along later to watch his game but first you prepared the house for your date night.
You and Teppei were going out to your favourite restaurant then you were going to watch a movie back at home. You prepared snacks, pillows and blankets then scattered some rose petal because your cheesy like that.
(And you were to lazy to do it later).
Once You'd finished, you grabbed a bag and ran to the stadium and took your usual spot in the crowd.
They were playing T/n. You'd heard about them as they were notorious for injuring players however after Serin's match with kirasakidaichi they knew how to deal with it.
Of course Serin won and almost everyone came out of the game with minimal injuries, you noticed Teppei walked with a slight limp and ran to the infirmary knowing had be there.
'Teppei! Ar-'
'I'm completely fine y/n see?' He stands up and moves around a bit to prove it. Once you were sure he was alright, you launched into his arms and congratulated him.
He grinned at you then threw you over his shoulder and began to walk to join the rest of Serin.
'congrats everyone!' You shout once Teppei set you down, you pulled everyone into a group hug.
'I'll have to meet you at the restaurant y/n, Riko's making us do 100 laps, she has no mercy' Teppei states, the entire team sweatdrops as Riko shugs.
'That's alright just don't be late!'
You gave him a peck on the lips before running to catch a bus.
The moment you got home you calculated that you had time for a 20 minute power nap before you started getting ready.

You and Teppei didn't live together but decided that you would watch the movie at your house since your TV was bigger so he swung by this morning to drop of a change of clothes as he was sleeping over.

Once You'd showered and dried your hair you put on this new dress Teppei had bought you then put on a little makeup and began styling your hair.
You made your way to the restaurant a little earlier since you were so excited.
'A reservation for two under the name Kyoshi Teppei, he'll be coming later' you say and the waiter takes you to your table.
You took a deep breath and smoothed out your dress and waited.
And waited.
And waited...

He was 2 hours late.
3 hours late.
4 and a half hours late.
You got a call.
'Is this L/n F/n?'
'I'm very sorry to inform you but Kyoshi Teppei has been in an accident. He keeps asking for you...'
'W...what? WHAT? Which hospital? I'm on my way now'
After getting the address you get a taxi to the hospital, yoy sprint through the halls following a nurse.
There was Teppei.
He lay on a hospital bed, his skin was pale and he had a thick blanket on him from the waist down...
'Y-y/n... Sorry I'm late' he whispers.
'Teppei...y-you're going to be okay right?' You ask, your voice breaking.
'You look so beautiful y/n' he mutters.
'Kyoshi Teppei you're going to be okay right?' You ask again, he slowly closes his eyes before looking back at you.
'I'm going to be just fine, i promise' he whispers.
'What happened?' You cried, gripping his hand.
'My knee... I was on the way to the restaurant and my knee gave out, there was a lorry...i barely made it out' he chuckled.
'Baka! You shouldn't laugh at this!' You say through Your tears, Teppei wipes them away and kisses you before pulling you into a hug.
'You give the best hugs Teppei' you sob, you feel his arms tighten around you once more...

The line went dead.

You screamed his name over and over, a nurse pulls you away.
A doctor rips off the blanket and you choke on your sobs.
There was nothing there waist down...
He was bleeding out when he was talking to you.
And now he's dead.

'You promised...' You whimper.
You got back home just to see the arrangement you had made for Teppei.
You looked in the mirror seeing the dress Teppei got for you.
You went into Your room seeing the change of clothed he had brought.

You put on his jumper and cried.

The funeral was a blur.
You moved through life as if it was a chore through that moment on.
You sat by his grave, a photo of the two of you in your hand.

'You promised...'

Please don't kill me
I finished watching 'I want to eat your pancreas' and i bawled my eyes out then out of spite i made this
Hope you guys enjoyed it : )
Tally ho

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