Aomine Daiki

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Title: You beat me

( For the sake of this oneshot your better than Aomine)

You sat in the gym watching practice, Momoi had gone to find Daiki for the third time this week.
You were the assistant coach and manager of the Tōō Academy basketball team.
You had attended Teiko middle school with both Daiki and Momoi, it's safe to say that you'd developed a bit of a crush on Teiko's ace. However you had watched everyone change, after Tōō's match with Serin, Daiki had been...different. He began showing up to practice more often and sometimes asking for some advice.
'Alright! I'm here Satsuki'
You turn to see Momoi dragging Daiki by the shirt with a smile on her face
'Y/n! He's here!' She yelled and you laughed under your breath.
'Alright! 10 laps warm up around the school. Thank Daiki for that!' You call and the team groan in protest but do as you say, only Daiki stays behind.
Momoi turns to you 'I'm leaving him to you, i don't have time for this' she whined, little do you know this was all part of her plan to get you both alone togther...
'DAIKI! didn't you hear? Ten laps!' You shout and he looks up at you lazily 'I'll make it twenty if you don't get a move on' you snap.
'How about this' he says lazily 'We play a one on one, if you win I'll do twenty laps and if i win...i take you out on a date' he drawls and you pause, taking in what he said.
'Deal' you grin.
The team didn't know that you played basketball, only Daiki and Momoi knew.
You let Daiki start with the ball and took a deep breath.
It was over almost as soon as it started, Daiki sprang forward not expecting your slight of hand, you pushed the ball away and it bounced up, you caught it and all in the same juml, scored a three pointer (Midorima had helped you perfect that)
'That...that wasn't fair' Daiki scoffs and you laugh.
'I win!' You tease and he pouts, turning away from you slightly.
' beat me...' He sayd letting that sink in.
'Uh huh! Now go, twenty laps' you smile evily as he heaves himself out the gym, by the time he started running, everyone was back so you began practice as normal.
Momoi watched the events unfold and facepalms as her plan falls apart.
'Phase two' she grumbles and sits in wait...
The moment practice was over, Momoi waited for the perfect opportunity.
'Hey Daiki, give me a hand' you call as you lifted the practice mat Momoi had pulled out for some unknown reason.
You both turn to see the gym door close.

'Satsuki did not...'

'She did...'





You both dropped the mat and went to doube check the door, it was definatley locked.

'Tommorrow's the weekend right?' Daiki asked and you nod.
'I'm going to kill her' you mumble as you rummage to find your phone.
And of course, she didn't pick up.
Daiki lays down onto the practice match and closes his eyes
'If we're going to stay here, might as well get comfortable' he says and scooches over so yoy can sit.
You send your friend endless amounts of texts to get you out of here and she left you on read the enitre time.
'Oh come on Y/n relax, it's only me and it's nit like we'll be here forever. If Satsuki played a prank then she'll come get us tomorrow' he says and you sigh then put your phone away to preserve it's battery.
'Satsuki did this to Murasakibara and Midorima remember? To help them get along' Daiki says and you roll your eyes.
'Mura-kun broke a window to get out and Shin-chan picked the lock' you deadpan and Daiki shrugs.
'They didn't argue after that though' he snorts
'But we get along fine though'
Daiki raises an eyebrow and the corners of his lips turn up...
'Do we though?'
'Of course?' You say, less sure now Daiki laughs loudly making you jump
'Just messing with you, come lie down, it's cold' he says and you comply, you both took a nap.

He was right. It was cold.

You had woken up freezing, not wanting to wake Daiki up you had curled up into a ball but it hadn't worked.
'Are you cold?' You jump and turned coming face to face with Aomine Daiki.
'A little...' You mutter
He grins and pulls you into a hug, your face heated up and you tense a little as he snuggles into you...not that you minded.
You forgot about the cold completely and you couldn't sleep either.
'You know, i think i found out why Satsuki did this' Daiki says finally breaking the silence.
'I think she wamted us to spend more time together, she's always complaining about how i should hang out with you more often' he says and you hum in agreement.
'Come to think of it, she says the same to me too' you recall, you chuckle a little bit at that.
'Can i tell you something?' Daiki asks and you nod.
'I like you. I like you a lot'
Your heart stops beating and you look up, meeting his eyes.
'I like you too' you whisper then bury your head into his chest in embarresment.

Next day...

'Are you guys finally together?' Momoi asks as you both exit the gym hand in hand.
You both sent glares her way.
'Satsuki, you could have chosen any possible way to get us to confess but you chose that?'
Momoi giggles a little before thanking the janitor and zooming away.
' did work' you say with a grin, Daiki rolls his eyes and smiles.
'I guess it did'

Another fluff ❤
Ima have to do an angst or something next. Maybe do something high in tension.
What did y'all think?

As always don't forget to request and comment!!
Tally ho

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