Imayoshi Shoichi

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Title: irrational hate

You hated him.
You hated him so much that sometimes it was all you could think about.

'How did you do on your exam? Your mum asked and you help up your paper. My mum looked at you with that face where she was trying to not look disappointed.
'If your going to pass with the bare minimum then what's the point of going to university? Just go to college and get a job and make money.' She sighs and turns back to her laptop.
You walk away without any comment, that kind of stuff just made you want to give up, most people would use it as motivation to prove them wrong but not you. That kind of 'encouragement' made you want to give up entirely.
You weren't doing to bad, your grades were just kind of average but they weren't good enough for anyone, neither were you.
You fall face first onto your bed and made the decision to go to bed early since you weren't in the mood for anything else.

Next day...

You get ready, brush through your hair and gather your books then run down the stairs and out the door avoiding any confrontations.
'Good morning y/n' a sly smile was spread across Imayoshi's face, you didn't reply and simply brushed past him to your seat.
'Oi y/n, i-'
You silenced him with a look. You weren't in the mood for any of his teasing today, you just wanted to get through the day and go back home to sleep all your problems away.
Luckily for you, the day went by pretty quickly and your rushed home exhausted. Once you'd gotten through the door, your mother came to greet you...
'Y/n dear, we found a tutor for you! He goes to your school and he gets top grades and he's handsome, you used to be friends remember?' your mum gushed.
You stared at her with a blank face as Imayoshi came up behind her, this was almost to convenient.
'Hello again y/n'
And again you didn't reply.
'Y/n. Don't be rude, take him up to your room, you can study then eat' your mum says and you sigh through your nose.
What a drag.
'So y/n, what subject are you struggling in most?' He asks and you throw your report at him and toss yourself on your bed.
'Ah.... We can start by tackling maths!' Imayoshi finally decided and you send him an irritated look before begrudgingly agreeing.
Of course just as expected you were behind. More than behind.
'You have the knowlege, you just have to apply yourself. I think your way of learning is different to the way we are taught at school, that's all' he says with a smile which you don't return.
You had no real reason to hate him. You just did. It could have been the fact that he had perfect grades or that he was good at things like basketball, or maybe it was because he had parents that would never be disappointed in their child.
You were the one to cut off your friendship, you couldn't handle the comparison, he was the model child, student, captain and you're not.
You were tired of your parents endless complaints and telling you to 'be more like Shoichi!'
Of course Imayoshi wasn't aware of this and was determined to find out why you'd cut him off.
'So y/n, according to your mum I'm supposed to come over everyday until your grades improve, then it'll change to three times a week' he says and you look up from the equation you were tackling.
'Yes that's right, y/n really needs the extra help, how on earth did you even get like this?' Your mum said with a laugh, you bit the inside of your cheek and continued with the equation.
As much as you hayed to admit it, Imayoshi was right. You'd learnt more in one session with him than you had in the entire school year, of course you'd rather die than admit that fact.
After a few weeks, you began finally having small conversations with Imayoshi, you began realising that he wasn't that bad. Maybe you didn't hate him afterall, maybe you just

You felt a sudden wave of guilt, you'd treated Imayoshi so badly all this time when he had been nothing but kind to you.
You handed him your notebook as your ability to look him in the eye wavered so you lay back onto your bed...
'You've gotten everything right! I'm positive your grades will improve!' He praises and you nod, not really paying attention.
You stared ceiling not really hearing anything except for your breathing...
Suddenly Imayoshi's face appears above you,
'Y/n, are you listening to me?' He asks, you jolt in surprise to find him knelt over you.
'W-what are you doing?' You yelp and he chuckles,
'You weren't paying attention' he says vaguely and returns to his seat leaving you flabbergasted.

Next day

You went to school more tired than usual, you had replayed that scene for hours, not being able to sleep.
Lessons made even less sense than usual.
'Miss L/n! You haven't done anything this entire time. There is a reason why you are one of the worst in this class' your teacher snaps and you simply stare at her blankly, it was the last class of the day and honestly you didn't care.
'If i may, i tutor y/n after school since your lessons aren't very inclusive' Imayoshi butts in, the teacher stares daggers at the two of you but let it be since he was the top of your class.
You sent him a small smile which he returned and he walked you home.
'Y/n? I think i like you' he states
'Hm, why?' You snort, a million thoights flying through your brain...
'I think I've liked you since we were kids, i love your smile, i love your humour, i love how street smart you are, i love everything about you'
You stood ahead, not looking at him...
'I like you too' you whisper and he wraps an arm around you and you both walked home.

Bonus scene:

'Wow, who would have thought that a guy like you could get a girlfriend' Aomine snorts and Imayoshi rolls his eyes
'You weren't very hidden. I knew you were behind us, i could tell it was you from a mile away'
'WHY- didn't say anything...'
'So you assumed that i hadn't realised' Imayoshi finished and Aomine recieved a slap on the back of the head from you.
'Idiot, even i knew you were there' you snap.

The start was so dramatic lmao
I kinda zoned out while writing this so honestly I'm as lost as you lot lmao.
Also on a side note, my shoulder's popped out but not out out but not in? If that makes any sense? And it hurts like under the shoulder blade but like i may have just strained a muscle or something but anyways i hope you enjoyedddd
Tally ho

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