Chapter 1.

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New story, I really hope you guys like it, lemme know what you guys think
Enjoy :D

Applejack sighed to herself, another ordinary day at this school, as she removed her school bag off her shoulder, dumping it onto the ground, before opening up her locker, scrambling for her folder and other school supplies stuffing them into her bag before closing her locker again.

She'd always been this way. Not a care in the world, she never had to care about anything nor anyone. Her life seemed to bore her, every day felt the same as she went through the same cycle day after day after day of home and school life.

It had always been the exact same way for as long as she could remember, to AJ, she didn't see her life as interesting or even exciting, not like how the other students would boast and brag about their weekends or spending time with their families, that topic was a sensitive topic to her, she had a family she just.. she didn't exactly like them.

All her life consisted of, was school, back home to do the chores, lock herself out of sight and probably go to bed, not much of a life, she had to admit she loved the farm and doing the chores but it would often bore her and she found it very draining.

something in her life didn't feel right like something was missing but.. what?

She suddenly felt a light tap on her shoulder, suddenly being interrupted by her own thoughts as she turned around. "The hell you want?" Applejack gave a fierce look as she stared at them.

"Idiot, it's me" a girl grinned, it was none other than her best friend, Sunset Shimmer.

The bacon-haired girl playfully rolled her eyes at her friend, lightly chuckling to herself, she knew how AJ could be towards people, she was very cold and rude towards anyone but her friends, she was so different when she was around people that she actually liked, if only she gave people a chance but due to her trust issues, she knew that would never happen.

The Cowgirl couldn't help but let out a small grin, her frown slowly started to fade away as she glanced at Sunset. "What do you want Set," she asked

"You," Sunset said with a smirk on her face, shoving AJ playfully while AJ booped her nose in return.

Sunset was very lucky, she was AJ's closest friend, the one person she trusted most in the entire world, as much as AJ despised people she still had a small selection of close friends she kept close by, not to mention the reputation she had built up for herself.

Almost the entire school knew her, the name would scare people, she was a force to be reckoned with, no one would even dare cross Applejack Smith.

Sunset gave a giggle, a challenging look in her eyes, almost like she was doing it for a reaction, waiting for AJ to do something, naturally, she pushed her back but with a lot more force than Sunset did.

The two friends laughed for a while, this wasn't unusual for the pair, they were often very silly and would find their humor in little things, anyone else would call them immature but they didn't care, after all, who wants to be boring?

Eventually, their laughter slowly started to die down, Sunset rolling her eyes as she turned her attention back to the Cowgirl, her eyes suddenly widened in realization as she gasped, suddenly remembering the REAL reason she came over in the first place.

"The hell ya starin' at?"

"I just remembered something, I actually came over here as I have something to show you!" Sunset smiled, putting her arm around AJ's shoulder in a friendly manner.

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