Chapter 3

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New chapter, hope you guys like it :'D

Dash's POV

I crossed my arms as I stared in shock and disbelief as I glanced at my newly assigned seat, refusing to believe that I had to sit next to her!

I didn't say another word as I silently marched up to my seat, it couldn't be that bad right? besides, it was only one class.

I stared right at that girl who was right beside me, but I wasn't buying the fake act, she thought she was so innocent, that she could fool anyone with that blonde hair, her emerald eyes, and the face of an angel, but I wasn't convinced by her, not with that image, that reputation she had.

I knew exactly who she was, well.. I knew of her, but I didn't know know her, as in a personal way, we weren't even friends, hell I would never say that word to her.

I shook my head, trying not to even think of that Cowgirl, right at this moment she was slumped in her chair, her Cowboy hat that she was previously wearing covered her sleeping face, she obviously wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was talking about, but neither was I.

English class was always so boring, I preferred the practical lessons when you actually moved around and did stuff, rather than just sitting in a chair, bored out of your mind where the teacher will just lecture you and you would just drift into your own world, they said this would help us in the 'real world' but I didn't see that as true, it was probably just an excuse to bore and torture us.

I suddenly noticed the Cowgirl yawning, she must have just woken up, she slowly tipped up the brim of her hat, suddenly noticing me from the corner of her eye."Well well well, look at what we have here."

I crossed my arms grumpily "Yeah, yeah, I'm not exactly the happiest to see you either, Cowgirl" I sneered, trying my hardest,  hoping I could just ignore her, but to my surprise, she responded back.

"Listen here Ms.Rainbow, I ain't here tah argue with ya er anything." while I scoffed at what she said, the last time we spoke it didn't end well, it led to an argument plus I didn't trust her, not one bit.

"Well you're trouble, I don't believe you, not for a second" I glared, ready to give her a piece of my mind until I was suddenly interrupted by some of our classmates calling my name, well the 'inventive' nickname they'd made up for me.

"hey quit it!" I yelled as I started throwing small pieces of paper at them "just because I have blue skin, does not make me a Smurf! Got that!" while they jeered, continuing to tease me.

"Yeah, ya heard er." I heard a voice shout, in shock as it was in fact the Cowgirl's voice, staring coldly at the group as she threw an entire binder at them.

I smirked, totally not expecting that, looking right at her for a second before throwing more paper at the idiots, it was like it was snowing in their direction, a snowball fight in place as they cowered away, trying to dodge the hits.

Maybe I was wrong about her, maybe she was just made out to be a bad person but she was just really misunderstood, she was made out to be the villain, the one that everyone was scared of, but the thing is, I wasn't scared of her in the slightest.

She giggled a little, in a southern tone, only now just realizing that she had an accent, it was now clear that she was a Cowgirl, I mean come on she sounded country.

I turned my attention back to her, staring silently, watching her get up from her seat, noticing that the whole room immediately grew dead silent, she had this sort of power, a way to scare, intimidate well more the weaker ones, but also even the stronger ones.

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