Chapter 2.

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This chapter will mainly be focused around dash.

The halls were empty and silent, not a single person in sight. well, except for one girl.

The rainbow-haired girl gave a small smile glancing around as she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing it wouldn't be long till the corridors were flooding with students but she still had these few minutes of silence to herself, it was bliss.

she turned her attention to her locker which was right in front of her, entering the combination before it finally unlocked, dumping her ordinary bag out of sight, before swapping it for her gym bag, also grabbing her water bottle and her phone.

today was the day of the match and she was excited, their school was gonna be competing against another school but she had no doubt in her mind that they would win, they always did. it may sound like she was too overconfident about this but she had every reason to be, Canterlot High had never lost, not once.

she stayed in her thoughts for a while, she never usually had the peace to herself but she enjoyed this, it allowed her time to think, she turned to look at the inside of her locker door, admiring it slightly. It was filled with photos inside, to anyone else they would be seen as boring old pictures, but not to her, she saw each one as a special memory that made her into the person she was today.

She chuckled softly as she continued to stare, starting to go into her own little world, unaware that the students were emerging from their classes, slowly filling the halls once again so she wasn't alone, not anymore.

"Hey, Mag! You're going to be late!" A girl called out to her, suddenly bursting her little daydream as she slowly opened her eyes, finally noticing the crowds, a frown on her face knowing it would be a while till she got that time again.

She scanned the crowds, noticing she got stares which were to be expected, after all, she was the captain of nearly every single sports team here at this school and she was going to lead them to victory no matter what it takes.

she still was slightly unsure, she was certain someone called her name.. but who? suddenly she heard her name once again, almost as loud as the ringing of a bell. she knew exactly who it was, only one person would call her 'Mag'

She turned around, noticing a girl with long purple curly hair and shiny blue eyes, strolling right up to her, it was her friend, Rarity, the fashionista.

She grinned as she pulled Rarity into a tight embrace, the fashionista giving a pained smile as she slowly hugged her back. "Careful darling, you'll break my spine" which received an eye roll from the athlete before carefully breaking the hug.

She knew how dramatic Rarity could be, but no matter how annoying she could be at times, she still loved her.

"You ready to crush the other team" Rarity asked while she just nodded, it still surprised her that the fashionista actually wanted to participate in this volleyball girl.

For as long as she'd known her best friend, she was always into guys, or gossip or even makeup and dressing up.

But as long as she actually pulled her weight and not tried to flirt with the guys on the opposite team.

"Obviously," She said with a smirk as she swung her water bottle that was in her hands back and forth in a bored manner.

"Well then...let's do this!" Rarity smiled, the volleyball tucked underneath her arm.

She chuckled to herself as she started to walk off, heading towards the direction of the gym, unaware that Rarity wasn't with her anymore.

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