Chapter 8

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I'm gonna mention someone again.. y'all know who you are :D CANDYMARE8484
Heh this took fricken all day to write but here it is! Hopefully regular updates just trying to update THREE BOOKS at the same time
But the second update today so I'm not doing too bad, anyways enjoy :D
The two smirked. If only Dash really knew what she was getting herself into.. the athlete playfully rolled her eyes before breaking eye contact.

She glanced at Applejack again. She had the nerd slung over her shoulders, almost like she was trying to kidnap her, Twilight looked rather freaked out by this

"Everytime, I have legs you know!" she shouted in her defence.

"Yeh, but yer slow" Applejack responded back with a sly grin, the rainbow girl grinned back.

"Soooo you two know each other?" She interrupted, changing the subject. To be honest she found this rather hilarious.

"Oh, we know each other very well" she glanced at Twilight with a smirk, "this gal is the only reason ah got this far in school."

"I'm not your human cheat sheet!" Twilight exclaimed. The purple haired girl sighed to herself a moment later. She pushed some strands of hair away from her face.

"Where are we even going?"

"Hell." And with that the blonde laughed out loud, before she turned serious again, "nah, we're just going to have some fun"
The magenta eyes girl was walking ahead once again, yet she was unsure about why they brought the nerd with them.

"So you are a nerd" she laughed herself, wheezing slightly.

"Yup, she's literally the smartest kid in school." Applejack commented

"I am not!" She blushed from the compliment, "am I..?" She questioned herself, even she didn't know the answer to her own question.

"How would I know, I have no idea who you even are" the blue teen scoffed, she'd stopped laughing now. She never would pay attention to others. For her, it was school, soccer, sleep and repeat.

"For the last time, my name is twilight sparkle!" The girl was already growing more impatient, she then pulled on the blonde's hair so she would keep her go. Thrilled to be able to walk again.

"I don't care about your stupid name"

Twilight eyed her, raising her eyebrows, "And who put you on such a high throne?" But she only got a snicker in response.

"Well now you listen-" she marched up to the giggling girl, but before she could do anything, the blonde pulled her back and face her a slap across the back of her head.

"Ah may not be Sunset, but ah ain't afraid to put you back in your place" which earned a surprise look from the rainbow girl who raised her eyebrows. She looked impressed.

"Alright y'all, we're here" Applejack spoke up, causing the blue teen to snap back into reality. She stared at what was in front of her.

A grin appeared on her face, it was a building. But not just any building, an abandoned one, one that probably hadn't been used in years.

"You coming or what?" She said impatiently as the cowgirl climbed through the window, it didn't take long for the others to follow behind, the purple haired girl had an "I am not amused" expression but she still followed.

The teen smirked as she also climbed through the window herself, "careful there's broken glass" the blonde called out as she threw a flashlight, which she quickly caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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