Chapter 6

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New chapter :D

Dash's pov

without a single hesitation, I followed her, notice her pace starting to slow down, with that I quickly caught her up, "glad ya decided tah tag along" she said while I lightly chuckled

"Don't get all soft on me" I laughed out loud as I walked with her, matching her pace, it had been a few minutes already but we walked in silence, a smile grew on my face as I stared towards the sky.

the night sky. the beautiful night sky, something I always admired, it reminded me of those times before which were no longer, it used to be all of us, we would talk about our day and stare at the stars, sometimes we even had picnics and camped in our backyard.

but then.. they left, slowly one by one they vanished from our lives until all I had left was scoots, just me and her and I had to get used to being alone, to only look out for myself.

that was, until recently when I met some people, I had Rarity, Sunset, Rarity's girlfriend, and the blonde cowgirl who now never left my sight, I still wouldn't class her as a friend but I didn't mind having her around.

it felt good to have someone in my life who wasn't around just to ask me weird questions about my appearance or even my popularity, I didn't exactly enjoy it but I loved sports so I'd just put up with it

"Let's see, where'd he say to meet him?" I heard a voice that snapped me out of my thoughts, instantly noticing Applejack, she was scratching her head in confusion.

I shrugged at her, showing her I didn't have a single idea, "how the heck am I supposed to know, you're the one with the note, not me" I sighed, I still had no idea why I even agreed to tag along in the first place.

"the note?" she asked out loud, starting to search her clothes until her eyes lit up, "Ah, here it is." she grinned, pulling it out from her back pocket, examining the note once again, re-reading what it had to say.

"It just says to meet him after school, no specific location" Applejack frowned as she thought to herself, I had no clue on how to find this mysterious person and by the looks of it, neither did she.

I approached her as I looked over her shoulder re-reading it for myself, it offered no help or even a single hint. it was strange, if you were gonna meet someone you need to at least pick a meeting place.

"I bet he's just gonna be a no show" I chuckled while she nodded, tossing the note aside, there was really no need for it anymore.

"Ah'll wait by the front entrance fer ten minutes, then ah'm leavin'." and with that she walked off and I hesitantly followed her once again

I sighed, following the cowgirl.

why was I even interested? why am I following her?

I never follow anyone, I'm usually the one being followed, it was strange to be doing the opposite of what I usually do, I shook my head as I put it to the back of my mind, it was nothing right..? she just wanted some company, that was it.

I proceeded to walk by her side until we made it to the entrance of the school and she sat down, right near the portal, leaning against it.

"well, this is gon be the longest ten minutes of mah life" Applejack yawned boredly while I just smirked taking hold of the guitar I was carrying "not for me, it won't be"

"Shit, ah should bring in my guitar." Applejack scanned her surroundings as she didn't really have a lot to do, I saw her hide her hands which confused me.

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