Chapter 4

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New chapter

Hope you like it :D

The two girls were finally at their next class, Applejack stared around blindly, even though she'd been going to this school for years, she was in a slight daze as she glanced around kinda confused, she really had no clue what was going on or even where they were.

"we're here, idiot," the athlete said with a light chuckle, noticing the cowgirl's blank expression

Applejack looked around, staying silent.

"We're at class, finally!" the rainbow-haired girl sighed happily as she sat down in an empty seat, this class didn't have a seating arrangement so they were free to seat wherever they liked.

Applejack sat down in the seat right beside her "Where are we?"

"Music, obviously!"

"Oh right! Music! Ah'm such a dunce, Ah know how tah play the guitar." Applejack said awkwardly, she felt kinda embarrassed that she didn't even know what class they were in.

the athlete rolled her eyes, grabbing her instrument which was her own guitar "then grab your guitar then"

"It's at mah house dumbass."

she groaned as she handed Applejack a spare guitar.

"You ready to play?"

"Hold on." Applejack said as she stared at the guitar, tuning it first before playing a few cords, while the excited girl right beside her admired her very own guitar

"You gonna sing then?"

"Hell yeah ah am."

Applejack received a chuckle before getting handed a microphone, She gave a small smile as she took it, putting it back onto the stand, and she adjusted it to her level testing it first just to make sure it actually works.

"Y'all ready?" Applejack asked, receiving a nod from her "Obviously, take it away, cowgirl"

Applejack sat down on a stool before she started to sing whilst playing the guitar at the same time, meanwhile the entire time she got stared at with awe by a certain rainbow-haired girl, not taking her eyes off the cowgirl.

Applejack finally finished her song, slowly placing her guitar back down, noticing she was still being stared at "What're you lookin' at?"

She was very confused as she glanced at the athlete, she hadn't stop staring at her, well since she'd started singing

She stared at the girl, snapping her fingers at her "Hey, Rainbow, you good?"

"Huh?" she blinked repeatedly, her eyes going wide as she stared at her surroundings.

"Ya zoned out a bit."

"Oh right, yeah" She chuckled nervously at the cowgirl before looking away. "It's yer turn girl." Applejack said as she walked away from the mic.

The athlete blinked, as she tried to refocus, sighing as she grabbed the mic off the cowgirl, adjusting it by a few inches as they were both similar in height so she didn't need to make any changes.

The cowgirl sat on a seat nearby which was close to her, as it was now her turn to watch the rainbow- haired girl.

The song started up, and she'd started to play the guitar whilst singing, the cowgirl leaned forward in her seat slightly, a surprised look on her face.

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