Chapter 7

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Y'all can skip this and read ahead to the story if you wanna, again sorry in advance to the author note 😭

Lmao I can't believe I'm actually writing this, tbh I was actually gonna unpublish this a while and call it quits. I'm thankful I didn't.

Like I decided to read it back bc I'm an idiot and I wanted to know what happened next yet it's my story 😭 honestly idk how the story is gonna go or what's really gonna happen but I'm just gonna go with the flow and hope it works out and try not to worry about it too much

Hopefully I'll keep regular updates??? Who knows, I'll laugh when I finally complete a story that'll be a miracle

But I'm just gonna mention a few people who have helped me, like Damn. I didn't think I was actually good at writing stories, it just surprises me that people actually like my writing.

You have also inspired me with y'all stories as well, and maybe in the future I'll be able to share my newer ideas/ stories with y'all I promise my writing has gotten better 😭

lovelyrxses_ Sirenoof Hootie_Owl  Cupcakes_swirls 

CANDYMARE8484 -idk if the tag worked for you 😭 but without you.. this story wouldn't be possible, we may not talk often or as much as we used to but I still care about you, you made me a better person.. a better writer, and words can't express how much I appreciate that, how much I appreciate you, I hope you're proud and idk if you still write/ read Appledash stories but I hope you like it even though you know what's gonna happen bc we basically wrote the majority of this together :)

And one more person skittleshirh  she's a HUGE inspiration to me, she might not be on Wattpad right now but I miss her, she really inspired her, I'm hoping one day I'll be as good as her bc she's awesome 🤍

Geez, I need to stop embarrassing myself 🥲 but anyways onto the story! Enjoy :D
Chapter seven
Once again, just like the day before, Applejack was at the lockers, waiting for Sunset just like she did everyday, since the first day she joined this school.

"What's got you all smiley" Sunset teased, smirking as she walked up to Applejack, the girl was actually smiling for once, she never smiled..

She chuckled, eyeing sunset before glancing down. She was holding something, it was her guitar! The one she said she would bring. She kept the grin on her face.

"Woah, you brought your guitar!" She exclaimed in surprise, "haven't seen that thing in years, you sure it's good?" She stared at the guitar her best friend was holding.

Whereas compared to dash's guitar, it was old and rather well.. not the way it used to be, you would of thought the cowgirl would of bought a new one after all these years but she kept it..

It reminded her of herself, a little rough around the edges but still rather beautiful.

She stared at set and gave her an eye roll in response, "No, I stole it from the local grocery store." Set has only just arrived and the cowgirl was already annoyed, more than she let on.

"Playing it for your Juliet" she grinned, as she stared at the battered old guitar.

"My what?" Applejack questioned. She raised an eyebrow.

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