Weird meeting

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-long time skip cause I'm not patient and I feel like how long I've been gone would be the amount of time it's take to get to her birthday-

Shinobu POV 🦋

It was the day before Aoi's birthday, I was planning everything out. She wanted a sleepover party outside cause her birthday feel on a Saturday. She I was in the attic seeing if we had tents, one for the girls; Aoi, Kanao, and Nezuko. And one for the guys; Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro. She wanted it small so she picked out who she wanted.

I got the tents outside and look on my phone "ok weather will be great for the next four days so, I can set up now and leave it up over night so I don't have to do much tomorrow" I said to myself then heard the back door open. I turned and saw Kanao.

"Have you seen Aoi? I was supposed to help her plan food" she said softly. Now that I think about it she left in a hurry this morning, I still need to tell her about her father... "I think she went somewhere. Give her a call and tell me I need to set up" I said smiling. "I'll help you" Kanao said and came over to help me.


Giyuu POV🌊

I woke up late today and looked at my phone, I saw it was the 26ths of March. I took a quick shower and dress in blue jeans a pale blue shirt and my two patterned flannel (is that what there called???)

I didn't make anything for breakfast cause I figured I'd just order something at the cafe. I got my keys, put my shoes on and left my house. It wasn't a far drive from home so I got there quickly. I looked around then felt my phone buzz. It was the number from yesterday

-To: Giyuu Tomioka-
'You're actually on time, I'm at the table closer to the counter. Order what you want first I'm wearing a blue hat and a dark blue jacket'
-From: Unknown-

I sighed and went to the counter. I saw Mitsuri and waved, she smiled brightly 'she hasn't changed much from graduation' I thought to myself. I ordered a coffee and a biscuit. It didn't take long cause she worked fast and there weren't many people here today. I payed and took my stuff "thank you" I mumbled and walked away. I looked for the blue hat and dark blue jacket and found it. I went up to the person and sighed

"Are you who I'm meeting?" I asked and the person just nodded. I sat down and took a drink of my coffee "so is there something you need?" I nearly almost choked when I saw who it was. "Aoi Kocho?" I looked shocked.

"There's something I need to talks to you about" she said and looked at me seriously "what is it? Is it about your grade?" I asked, it shouldn't be she was one of my top students.

"No it's about...." Aoi stopped herself and looked down. I was more confused then ever. Then she just put some papers on the table and said two words " read it". I raised an eyebrow but did as she said and picked up the papers.

I started to read the papers and what I saw completely shocked me.

Cliff hanger :)


Aoi POV 💙

[flash back]

I heard mom talking to someone on the phone one day. It was hard to hear cause the door was closed but I could make out most of it "I don't know how to tell her tho. How do I tell her that her father is in her life but not in her life sister?" Mom said

I was shocked. I went to my room to process this 'who could it be?!' I thought to myself. I spent all night thinking. One day, I was told that I looked a lot like Mr.Tomioka but I was confused on we're that came from so I got an idea. I'm friends with all of moms coworkers at the clinic. Maybe one of them will do a DNA test for me. I went to my home room during lunch and looked all over the place. I found Mr.Tomioka's jacket and found a hair on it, I finished my lunch so I have a Ziploc bag to put the hair in. I waited until the weekend when mom had to work and she had to bring me with her cause kanao went on a date.

I got mom's friend to do the DNA test with a piece of my hair and Mr. Tomioka's. Something was going on and I wanted to know. I didn't get my papers until four days later. And I saw the results. It was parent day and the way mom and Mr.Tomioka acted when they saw each other I knew it couldn't be wrong. So I found Mr.Tomioka's number and sent him a text.

[end of flash back]

The look on his face scared me. What was he going to say?! Did I mess up?! Should I have talked to mom about this first?! No, I needed to know. I wanted to know

'Was Mr.Tomioka my father or not?'

Thank you all for waiting for so long! I had to study a lot cause midterms were coming up but now their over! And I'm out for Christmas break! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and WHEN DID WE HIT 4.92k?!?! I SWEAR YESTERDAY WE JUST HIT 3K!!!

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