Q&A + Chapter <3

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OKAYYYYY WOW! I can't believe y'all got me to 22.2k!!! Sooooo uhmmmm THANK YALL!!

I wanna do something different and I was kinda dared to do this. I made a bet with an online friend and they said "if you get over 20k readers I dare you to do a Q&A!"

Me never thinking it would actually happened- uhm was proved wrong! I said yes to the dare. So if y'all wanna leave some questions in the comments y'all can. I'm good with any questions as long as they are appropriate! So maybe keep it Pg??? Anywayyyyyyyyyy on with the chapter!!!!


Third person POV 🧋

Shinobu was driving home with Aoi after the adventure at the zoo. The little blue butterfly was in the backseat asleep, she seemed to have tired her self out while running around. Shinobu pulled up to a stop light, while waiting for it to turn green she got a text. She looked at it a bit confused

-To: Shinobu-
'This is Giyuu, Aoi gave me your number sorry for not telling you earlier. Could you maybe send me the photo from the zoo? Please and thank you.'
-From: 'unknown'-

Shinobu smiled a bit and quickly put the phone down. 'I'll have to answer when we get home.' She thought to herself.

Soon shinobu pulled into her driveway and turned back to look at Aoi. "Aoi, sweetie wake up we're home" the purple butterfly said softly while slightly shaking the sleeping child. Soon Aoi woke up and started heading to the front door, kanao must of heard them pull in cause she was now at the door greeting her sleepy niece.

Something popped into shinobus head and she looked at her phone. She finally replied to the message from earlier

-To: Giyuu-
'Sorry I didn't answer earlier, I was still driving. Hope you got home safe, and yes i can send you the photo.'
-From: Shinobu-

Shinobu sent the photo after she sent the message and saved his number into her phone. Finally getting her stuff together she finally went inside and locked the front door. She hears her daughter yell a 'GoodNight' from upstairs and smiles as she yells one back.

Shinobu POV 🦋

I felt my phone buzz and looked at it with a small smile

-To: Shinobu-
'Thank you, and I hope you got home safe as well. I have fun today. GoodNight 🙂'
-From: Giyuu💧-

I mentally laughed to myself at the facts he used an emoji. ((Pretend they all have smartphone and yes shinobu put a water drip next to his name))I sent a message back and saw kanao smiling at me. "What?" I asked

"Nothing, you just seem more happy then usual. I'm glad, did you have fun?" My sister asked

I looked down at my phone and smiled "yes, yes I did" I finally replied to her





























-To: Giyuu💧-
'I had fun as well, we should do it again sometime. GoodNight <3'
-From: Shinobu-


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