Chapter 2: A Bastard Magician

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[공주와 마술사]

Chapter 2

"A dream."


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What? What did I just say? Lucas? Huh? Why did that name sound so familiar? Why did he seem so familiar?

"Huh, how do you know my name?"

Oh, his voice. How sweet. I could listen to it all day–Wait Athanasia, you're supposed to be focused on running away! Not falling in love with a random boy!

"Strange, I've never been out of the tower for the past 10 years. How do you know me?"

Oh god. I didn't. It just came out of my mouth.

"I– I don't." I muttered.

His eyes watching my every move. Oh. I take back everything I said. I really wish I was dead right now.

"Your mana...It's similar to mine."

What? Mana? I don't think I have any. I don't have a talent for magic.

"Ah. You were the owner of the magical beast I took."

I was? What magical beast? What was he saying?

"What magical beast? I don't recall ever owning a beast." I questioned.

'How interesting...Jeweled eyes. She must be of royal descent. Let's see...ah. A runaway princess. But why?' He carefully analysed the princess. Wondering why one would ever run away from a palace full of riches.

"A runaway princess, huh?" He said.

H-How did he know? I- Oh! My eyes. I wish I had magic to disguise myself.

He walked closer to me. Eyes burning holes in my face. How pretty. Wait–No not again! Stop with the feelings.

"You're making a really funny face right now."

W-what?! This bastard! How dare he! To comment on a ladies face. How disrespectful! Does he have no manners?

"I- What? You–!"

I stepped back. Away from him.

"Could you stop staring at me now? It's making me very uncomfortable." I said while instinctively crossing my arms. 

"And I should listen to you, why?" He asked slyly.

This jerk!

"W-Well because..." I have nothing. What should I say next? Because what?

"Because?" He asked why a smirk on his face.

How I wish to slap that smirk off his face! How could he be so pretty and condescending at the same time!?

"Because...I'm a princess...?" I said with uncertainty.

He burst into laughter. Holding his stomach, and wiping tears off his face. What? What's so funny about what I said? I mean, it is a bit...arrogant of me to say that. But, still.

"So? Who cares if you're a princess. I've had emperors begging on their knees for me to take in their child as my disciple." He spat.

"Disciple? Are you a scholar?" I asked curiously. If he was a renowned scholar it would make sense for his arrogance. But he couldn't be. I've never known a scholar by the name of Lucas. And even if he was one, I would've seen him tutoring Jennette. My half sister.

"Scholar? What makes you think that? Of course I'm not a scholar. I'm a magician."


"That makes sense. But what did you mean by magical beast?"

"You don't know what that is? God, was there some dynastic revolution while I was gone?"

What is he rambling on about? Can't he just tell me what it is instead of complaining? Ugh!

"Just tell me what it is already!" I said while stomping my feet on the ground. I'm getting impatient.

'What a sassy princess. I've never had someone who's shown so much attitude to me. Oh well, it makes her more interesting. Fine. I'll explain it to her.' Giving in, he explained,

"A magical beast is the form that your magic takes. It's born when the owner has too much magic in their body." He carefully said.

"Then...I had too much magic?"


"What happened to my magical beast?"

"I ate it."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed, he ate my magical beast? How could he! First he called my face funny, now he says he ate my magical beast?! I could've been a magician if it weren't for him!

"What? I had little to no mana, and I needed a way to get more. Your magical beast was the easiest solution to it." He snickered.

"Ugh! You madman, jerk, bastard, stupid asshole!" I yelled insults at him. He deserved it for being such a bully!

"Strange, why don't I get mad at your cursing?" Lucas asked curiously, usually he would've cut off the head of anyone who said such vulgar things towards him. But why was she an exception? He needed to know more.

"You- You! PERVERT!" I exclaimed while punching him in the head. What does he mean by that? My face was flushed because of his words! Ugh this stupid asshole!

"No one has ever hit me. Not even my parents. You know I'm a powerful magician that can burn down this empire with a flick of my fingers right?" He was getting more and more interested. Usually, people would always cling onto him like a bug hoping to get in his good graces. But this princess was different. Uncaring of what he would do to her. And he liked that.

What? Is he that powerful? He could be bluffing for all I know, but why does it seem like what he's saying is true?

"S-So! Who cares?! You're a big bully!"

"Huh." He looked dazed, as if he was still contemplating on whether he should spare this princess or not. He decided to spare her, for she could be entertaining in the future.

"So tell me, why have you decided to run away?"

He wanted to know the reason behind her running away, even if she didn't tell him, he'd find out by force. 

Should I tell him? Well, it wouldn't hurt to tell him. Plus, it's not like he's going to do anything if I tell him.

"I had a dream..." I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

'A dream? She ran away because of a dream?' Lucas thought.

"I think it was more of a vision really, like a way to see the future! And that future being, my father, the emperor, is going to execute me a week after my 18th birthday."

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