Chapter 3: Us

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[공주와 마술사]

Chapter 3

"The fatal beauty of Lucas"

"–is going to execute me a week after my 18th birthday

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"–is going to execute me a week after my 18th birthday." I said, while awkwardly smiling. Ah? Why isn't he saying anything? W-Was it too much?

Lucas stared at her, his eyes widening at the words she said. 'Her father is going to kill her? I mean, I've had my fair share of bad parenting, but this is something else. Should I just kill him?' He pondered, deciding that it wasn't a good decision to kill him. He didn't want to see his new toy break after all. It looked as if she was fond of her father.

"He's going to kill you? And how do you know it wasn't just a nightmare?"

"Instinct, I guess. I mean, it seems like something he'd do. Falsely accusing me of poisoning my sister and sentencing me to be hanged, even though he doesn't have any evidence." I laughed nervously.

"Huh. What a shitty father."


"What? Am I wrong? What kind of father would kill his own daughter?" Lucas sounded as if he was angry. Chills ran down my spine because of the aura surrounding him. Dangerous, and intimidating.


I had no words. He wasn't wrong. I don't know why I was even trying to defend him at this point. Claude is going to kill me. And that is a fact. Yet, I feel water flooding my eyes. I guess I still cared about my father after all.

Tears ran down my cheeks, I was trying hard not to make a sound. But it was hard when I had someone staring right at me!

'Oh. She's crying. I didn't mean to do that– I just-' Unknowingly, he brought his hand to wipe the tears off her face. He didn't like to see her crying, at least not because of her stupid dad.

"Don't cry...Don't waste your tears on someone like him." Lucas had no idea on how to comfort a crying girl. His mentor never taught him this.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I started sobbing. Out of frustration, sadness, betrayal–love. His arms wrapped around my weeping body. I fell to the ground, kneeling on the grass. I found comfort in his warmth. It felt as if he would never betray me like they did. Like he would love me unlike them. Lucas. Lucas. You have no idea what you're doing to me.

"I- I'm sorry." I broke out in between hiccups.

"For what? Crying? Everyone does that. Well, not me though. I don't have a reason to cry, but it seems that you do. So let it out." He said bluntly.

It was true, I had been repressing my emotions. I don't want to die. Not by the hands of the father, whom I loved so much. I needed someone to comfort me. The arms of another being, which I didn't know I needed.

Lucas didn't want to see the princess crying. Although he had called her his toy, she was a toy who had piqued his interest. A toy he accidentally felt something for. A toy whose hair shined so brightly under the moonlight. A toy whose eyes he didn't want tears in. A toy whose smile he'd love to see. 'What am I feeling right now?'

I rested my head on his shoulders, as he did with mine. I want to stay like this. His long hair brushed my cheeks. How soft. My tears slowly faded. I broke a slight smile. The smile slowly turned into laughing.

'Is she laughing? I thought she was laughing. Huh. Was she crazy after all?'

Lucas pushed me away, hands on my shoulders, looking at me as if I was crazy. Maybe I was.

"Are- Are you laughing right now?" He furrowed his eyebrows, confused by my sudden action. He didn't know how human emotions worked. He killed off such emotions long ago. But, I guess the magic wore off. Considering the relief he felt when the princess stopped crying.

"It's better than me crying right?" I smiled.

"Hm. Yeah. You look pretty when you smile." He said playfully.

I blushed furiously at his words. I- W-What? No one else had called me pretty except for a few maids and Lily. Did he really think that? I- Oh. My hands flew to my face, desperately trying to cover how much of a blushing mess I was.

'How cute.' Lucas thought it was cute that the princess could try and hide her expressions in front of him.

"What? Am I wrong?" He got dangerously close to my face, eyes carefully looking at my features. 'She's pretty up close.'

"W-What are you doing?!" I yelled at him. I pushed him back. Trying to get my face as far away from his as possible. I think I'd burst if I didn't. I turned my face away from him. Still red from the words he said to me.

"Oh yeah. I didn't get your name yet. You know mine, now tell me yours. It's only fair, right?" His smirk still not off his face. How I want to kis–kill him.


"It means immortality right? Fit for the heir of the throne. And it fits you too. So desperate to stay alive." He sneered.

Ugh! No matter how pretty he is, he's still a bastard jerk! I hate him! Why can't he be serious for once?! Is that too much to ask for?

"Ugh! Could you stop it with the teasing?!" I exclaimed.

"No." He said with an innocent smile. How I want to slap that smile off of him. So I did.

I raised my hand to slap him, he caught it. Oh. Well that went wrong. I tried to take my hand back, but instead I got pulled into him!

Falling onto his chest, I turned red once again. I quickly got my face away from his chest, seeing his snarky smile once again.

"You- YOU!" I couldn't even form words at this point. First it was the random compliment, me in his arms, and then my face on his chest?! Could this day get any more worse!

"I decided."

Huh? What is he rambling on about now.

"I'll help."

"With what?"

"Your running away, of course." He said proudly.

"You don't need to..."

"But I want to, and if I want to, I'll get to."

"Fine." I mumbled quietly, trying to hide the small smile that was creeping up to my face. I might just like him.

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