Chapter 5: Chimera

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[공주와 마술사]

Chapter 5

"How revolting"

Lucas found himself in front of the Emerald Palace

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Lucas found himself in front of the Emerald Palace. Curious to see who the source of his princess' demise was. He teleported to the second princess' room, to see a sleeping figure on the bed.

"She's a chimera?" Lucas mumbled to himself,

'Athanasia said that she was her sister, but she couldn't be. There's traces of black magic here.' He thought of this very carefully and concluded that she must have been conceived through black magic. 'Her eyes are jeweled, so she's royalty. Then that means, someone in the royal family used black magic. Who could it be?'

He walked closer to Jennette, examining her face closely. 'She's ugly.'

Lucas thought how someone like her could make Athanasia be sentenced to death, 'The father must be the stupid one then. I'll visit him another time, the princess is waiting for me.'

He quickly came back to the tower, seeing her sleeping peacefully. He was slowly falling for her, knowingly or not. He loved the remarks she would give after his teasing, and how she had no care of what he would do to her if she said something wrong. Kind of ironic for a person trying so hard to stay alive & not get killed by their father.

Slowly, he brought up his hand to brush Athanasia's face, 'How soft.' He thought, 'I should go and make breakfast.' Although he had no talent in cooking, he wanted to try for her.

'How do you crack an egg?' Lucas held the egg in his hand and tried breaking it like he had seen his mentor do, but he crushed the whole egg instead, getting it everywhere. 'Oh shit.' So, he tried again, and again, and again, but the same thing kept happening, until he finally gave up. 'She won't mind if it's burnt and has shells in it right?'

I woke up, and went downstairs to see Lucas cooking, how sweet. He brought the plate for me and I see...burnt eggs and toast...? There's shells in there–


"Yes? Are you proud? I did this all for you."

"No I'm not, are you trying to poison me?" I asked genuinely, this looks like it was poisoned. Has he gotten sick of me? Is that why?

"What? Of course not, this is my amazing meal that I cooked, by hand, for you." He squinted his eyes at me, 'I thought it was good, is she doubting my cooking abilities?' Lucas looked offended, I even thought it was poisoned. It's not my fault the egg and toast was burnt to a crisp.

"You shouldn't cook anymore Lucas. I'm worried you'll poison me and burn down the kitchen." I chuckled.

"I won't burn down the kitchen!"


"Fine! Here then! Since you hate my cooking so much!"

He gave me replaced the burned eggs and toast with a perfect one instead. He could've done that in the beginning. Oh, he looked mad. Was I that harsh? No I wasn't. I was merely speaking the truth.

'How could she?! After all that hard work. I'll get her for this' Lucas was determined to get the princess back for calling his food poisoned.


I didn't see him for the rest of the day, should I apologize? I probably should.

"Lucas?" I called for him softly.

"Yes?" It looks like he's still mad, okay, okay, I'll say sorry. Oh god. This was harder than I imagined it to be, speak, speak!

"I- I'm sorry for saying your cooking looked poisoned..." I said just above a whisper.

'Hmm? What's this? She's apologizing? I'll take it, since I'm such a nice magician. But I'll play with her a little longer.'

"I can't hear you." He commented playfully. I hate him. I hate him. Why does he always have to be that annoying? Ugh! Fine! Only because I feel bad.

"I'm sorry, okay?!"

"Wow. Say "I'm sorry, Sir Lucas." and I'll accept."

What?! How could he ask that! This–This jerk! I really don't want to do it, I should. But if I do, he's going to tease me about it for the next 10 years!

I inhaled slowly, preparing to say the words,

"I–I'm sorry, sir Lucas."

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" He snickered.

"You bastard jerk! Ugh! I regret ever apologising to you!"

I ran to him, taking a pillow in my hands, throwing it to him. He dodged it. So, so, so, annoying!

"You need to try a little harder than that princess."

"You pretty bastard!"

"So you think I'm pretty?" He asked while raising his eyebrow, 'How amusing, she must've liked me after all.' He smiled to himself.

I blushed at his words. How many times does he need to make me so flustered?! Butterflies were forming in my stomach. I quickly turned away and went up to my bed. Bringing a pillow to my face, trying to cover my expression. Lucas quickly followed after and sat beside me.

"Hmm, princess? Answer the question."

He took the pillow out of my hands, oh. He's too close. Our noses were touching. He suddenly backed off. Oh thank the gods. I felt as if I was going to burst if he didn't!

"I saw your sister today."

He what? My sister? Don't tell me...does he like her now? Oh. Of course. Everyone always chooses Jennette. Their angelic princess. I felt myself tearing up at the thought, I always thought Lucas would always stay beside me. I didn't think he would leave me for her too.

My vision went blurry.

'Is she crying? Why?' He felt his heart tightened. Why was she crying? Because I met her? Don't tell me–does she think I'll leave her for her sister?

"Hey, hey, don't cry. Why are you crying?" His question laced with worry.

"Are–Are you going to abandon me for her too...?" I hate it that I was so unsure. Why does she always get everything? When I finally felt like I belonged, was she going to take him away too?

"What? Of course not! I told you not to waste your tears on such people. Tch. I should kill her after all."

"Don't! Dad- Father would be sad if you do..."

I didn't know why I was still concerned for the father who didn't even have an ounce of care for me. But family is family. You can't help but love them.

'This girl...She's still worried about her father after all. How annoying.' Lucas wrapped his arms around the princess, trying to comfort her. He didn't like that she still cares about such stupid things.

He had his arms around her the whole night while she wept and sobbed, until she fell asleep. 'Sweet dreams, my princess.'

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